Chapter 6

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Dwight's point of view

Afterward, We walked out of the lake. I put my sandals back on. Jim put his shirt and shoes back on.

I look at Jim and ask," Jim can we uh keep our relationship a secret?"

" How come?", he asks.

" It's because no one knows I'm gay and I'm not ready to let the world know yet, "I tell him. Hoping he would understand.

" Don't worry. I feel the same way. The only person besides you who knows I'm gay is Pam".

I didn't think it would play out this way but I'm so relieved it did. I smile at Jim and say", When we are ready, we will tell the world together".

" Yes we will", he says.

" Come on, let's go meet up with the others", I say.

We walked back to where everyone was. Michael and everyone else was playing volleyball. Michael stopped playing and came over to us.

" Where did yall two-run of too?", Michael asked us.

" We took a dip in the lake", I tell him.

'" Yub", Jim says.

" Oh. Why don't you two come play volleyball with the rest of us", Michael says.

" Because honestly, I don't feel like playing", Jim answers.

" Same", I reply back.

" Mhm. Alright do whatever you want", Michael replies.

Michael then left and went back to the game.

" Do you want to build a sandman with me?", Jim grins.

I grin back and nod.

I scoop up a large amount of sand with my hand and I shape it into a ball. I did it again and placed the sand ball on top of the other one.

" Jim, how does it look?"

Jim looked at my Sandman in a disgusted way and said"It looks terrible. How does mine look?"

Jim's Sandman looked a lot better than mine and so I said:" I hate you".

" Aww don't say that."

I grinned at him and picked up my Sandman and threw it at his face".

" Dwight seriously?", he says in a serious tone.

" Yes, seriously", I reply back.

Jim then scoops a handful of sand of throws it toward me but I get up and run.

" Come back here", Jim calls out as he throws more sand my way.

" Nah I'm good. I think I'll stay far away from you", I shout back.

Jim chases after me and both of his hands are filled with sand. He catches up to me and throws the sand at me which hits the back of my head and my back.

I turn around and say" Alright you had your fun. No more throwing sand at me".

" Aww. Well, I'm just glad I got you back".

I smirk at him and he grins back at me.

Around six it started getting dark and we weren't going to leave until 7. Michael made burgers for us for dinner. They we so good. Michael has us playing games but after a while, I stopped playing and sat down in the sand and Jim joined me. He's the best thing that ever happened to me.

An hour later everyone got back unto the bus. Me and Jim sat down at the back of the bus. I was so tired and exhausted that I ended up falling asleep.

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