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Sataki pov

Who does he think he is telling my students where I live?! Isn't it bad enough that they pester me when I'm not at home? I thought to myself getting angrier by the second. So, with a tick mark on my head I stumbled out to find Guy.

It didn't take me long to find him since he doesn't hide his presence all that well. "Guy!" I yelled as soon as I caught a glimpse of him.

When he heard he literally lost all his hype and froze. He slowly turned around shaking with fear. When he saw me walking up to him, he had a shiver run up his spine as he gulped and ran.

I don't think he has ever ran so fast in his life. "Well, then don't tell my students where I live, dammit." I mumbled under my breath as I noticed Kakashi looking relieved and confused. Apparently, Guy was trying to challenge him when I came to view.

Kakashi soon snapped out of it as he walked up to me so we could walk and talk. He saved the book he was reading into his weapon pouch.

"What did you do to him for him to be so terrified that he break one of his own records without realizing it." He asked a little curious. I'm sure he wanted my advice on how to have Guy leave him alone.

"He pissed me off once before, he ended up in the hospital for two weeks. Let's just say, he now knows not to get on my bad side, or else no training for him." I tell him honestly as the anger slowly left me.

"Makes sense. But, what he do this time?" He asked curiously noting the chakra levels radiating off of me slowly becoming calm.

I looked at him with a sigh. "I have three students-"

He laughs cutting me off. "Don't laugh. You know just how stubborn Gennin can be so don't go making fun of me!" The chakra sparked again and he sucked in a breath.

He waves his hands in front of his face. "Okay, okay, you're right. So continue with your story." When I calmed down once more, he let a breath out I'm sure he didn't realize he was holding.

"I have three students who have been driving me mad, and the only place I could be at peace was at home." I looked down with a sigh before looking back to meet his gaze. "Guy told them where I lived."

And at that moment, I could sense them. My anger sparked and I saw Kakashi flinch thinking it was him I gave him a look telling him it wasn't him as I stopped walking and looked up yelling, "Leslie, Zakrai, Sophie, you three need to work on hiding your presence."

One could say that I'm being harsh on them, I mean, I can sense Guy in my sleep. But I know they can do it. I can sense the potential within them. And they are just too lazy and give me their one hundred percent. I gave an exasperated sigh. Sometimes they remind me of the Nara's.

"Awww, Sataki-sensei," Sophie complained as the three jumped down from the building roof they were on.

"Training grounds, now." I said just as I teleported to a clearing a little ways outside the village. It was always surrounded by a bunch of trees. I looked around at the many memories I have of this clearing. My own training grounds.

I smiled at the memories where I trained here and of when I first got my students.

I waited for only a few minutes as the anger left me instantly from the peace. When they showed up, I told them that we would be doing a survival exercise.

Their response, a whole lot of groans, grunts, and complaints. "Oh, shut up!" I barked.

"Yes, Sataki-sensei!" They saluted in response.

"Alright. Now this exercise is different than the usual survival exercise." I began. "I'll be using one of Kakashi's methods." I pulled out a single bell holding it out in front of me with one hand on my hip. "I need the three of you to find a way to get this single bell from me. The person who does manage to get it will get one week's worth of free ramen on me. The other two, well, let's just say you will have to help me with my groceries for a month."

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