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The next day, I trained with my students for most of the day. I needed to keep myself occupied as I pondered on what to do. This morning I woke up and did a morning run with Guy. We also did a bunch of pushups, sit ups and pull ups and as time went by we went grocery shopping.

Today was pretty busy, and by the time the sun rose, I had cleaned up at home and went to eat at Ichiraku's ramen shop where I met up with Naruto and Iruka. Then I would spend some time with Kakashi just to waste time.

By the time the sun was going down, Guy found the two of us and wanted to challenge Kakashi to a race. They were to go from one side of Konoha and head up Hokage mountain and back. No rooftops, no chakra. I decided that I was gonna be a part of the race as well.

We both headed to the entrance of Konoha. From there, I noticed Kakashi pick up random objects off the ground. I suppressed a laugh as we got ready. I made sure I had some wires so that I could use it to get ahead of the two.

Guy picked up a rock and tossed it in the air. As soon as it hit the ground, we yelled "start!" and we took off.

I used my wires to get a heads start which Kakashi caught on to. He just rolled his one eye as Guy was going on about how youthful his rose was. I just laughed it off.

As we weaved our way around villagers and other obstacles, I became uneasy. I noticed an unfamiliar chakra source on the way. This set me on edge slowing me down. It didn't take long for both Guy and Kakashi to notice this as they both caught up.

Needless to say, my uneasiness cost me the race. "My youthful rose can't be withering." I notice Guy was actually looking worried.

Kakashi was quiet, but I could tell he was observing my reaction. His face showed that even through the mask.

"Hmm?" I looked at him not really seeing him because I was too deep in thought.

"You are distracted. You never lost a race like this to me." Guy spoke.

"What is it that has you on edge?" This time I looked to Kakashi since he finally spoke.

I  to the two of them before turning my head to where I sensed the chakra, but he is gone. I sighed. "A flashback I had is all."

I could tell Kakashi didn't buy it he had that look in his eye and I knew he would find out one way or another.

Of course, Guy didn't buy it either, but he let it go for now. The only person who knows is the third Hokage though. Maybe if I talk to him about it...I need to tell him, but he will be mad at me for not coming to him last night when I got that note.

Both jounin were busy talking among themselves and I was too deep in thought arguing with myself to hear them.

Ack...I need to tell him. Ugh, I am so screwed for this. I could take my Gennin on a mission as an excuse. But I hate the d rank missions. But I need to tell him.

Just breathe, Sataki. Just breathe, everything is going to be okay. I know he haunts your sleep still, but it's going to be- ugh, forget it. I'm screwed. You hear me, I'm fucking screwed.

Kakashi disappeared in a proof of smoke as Guy stood watching. I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't realize Guy left with his students.

A little while later, I left to head to the spot to clear my head. He's back, and I can't even begin to talk about him. He still haunts me. Why did I have to be born a Sohara?

"You look like you need a friend." I jumped at the voice of Kakashi. I didn't even sense him. Man, I really am distracted.

I looked up at him and his one eye widened. I had a look in my eyes that suggested I had seen a ghost or something.

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