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Sataki pov

Since waking up, I was slowly getting better. But it was boring. I couldn't eat solid food for the longest time, and when I could, I had to eat that disgusting hospital food. Ugh, just the thought makes me nauseated. It disgusts me.

As the days gone by, I was still in the hospital. Soon, Naruto would sneak in ramen for me to eat, which I literally praised him for. He of course got caught and was banned from bringing food in at all. But that didn't stop him from trying. He eventually got Sakura, Ino, and Choji to help out. I was surprised when I had seen all the food being brought in by Choji because not a single one was eaten from.

I actually started to wonder if it was Choji at all and not a transformation jutsu on a clone. Turns out, I was right. Damn, Naruto. He's actually getting good with his stealth. I chuckled while I watched the Naruto clone transform back into Choji and leave.

But all that is besides the point right now. Why? I am currently having a conversation with Sakura. What about? Her obsession with Sasuke. Why am I not paying attention? Because I was eating the wonderfully food the Naruto clone brought in.

"But I know that what I feel is real." I snapped out of my thoughts as I focused back at the conversation.

"And what exactly is it that you feel, Sakura?" I asked her trying to stall since I had no clue where this conversation went.

She looked at me like I was joking, but when she noticed I was serious, she frowned. Shit. She knew I wasn't paying attention. "Love, Sataki-sensei. I love Sasuke."

I widened my eyes. Love, huh? I wonder what that feels like. Man, I was always too stubborn to ask growing up. Why, Sataki, why did you ignore Minato? "You don't know what love feels like, do you, Sataki-sensei?" She asked out of the blue.

I snapped out of my thoughts once more and looked at her from the corner of my eyes in an accusing manner just before I shook my head.

She laughed as she sat next to me on the bed. I felt the bed dip, but it was practically nonexistent. Does this child eat at all? I offered her some food and she just looked at me.

I just sighed before asking, "when was the last time you actually ate, child. You practically weigh nothing."

I could hear Naruto suppress a laugh at my statement as Sakura became angry. Okay, so too far? I couldn't help it okay. No one at her age doesn't make a dip in a bed. Even if it is a hospital bed.

She seemed to let it go pretty quickly as she just shook her head. "Have you ever had the feeling of butterflies erupting in your stomach?" So, we're back at the conversation I was trying to avoid. When I didn't answer, she continued. "Have you ever felt suddenly warm when you look at a certain someone? Let's say, Kakashi-sensei?"

She asked teasingly. I widened my eyes as the warm feeling came to my face. She squealed. Damn, child. Stay out of adults love lives, it will help you in the long run. Trust me. "I knew it. You do like Kakashi-sensei, you just never knew what it was you felt!" Does she ever shut up? I had to put my hand over her mouth so that she would finally shut up.

I looked to the door and then the window making sure no one heard. Good. No chakra signatures. That means Naruto left, good. I looked back at Sakura and she giggled.
"What do I do about it?" I asked clearly annoyed with this conversation. It was clear she knew what I was feeling before I knew about it.

"Just tell him how you feel?" She said as if it were the most obvious thing. Yeah, cause it worked with you, huh Sakura.

"Okay, one problem. What if he doesn't feel the same?" I asked trying not to offend her.

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