twenty three

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(A/N: This book has over 2.16 thousand views. Thank you all so much my lovelies. It means so much for everyone to love my book so much.)

Kakashi pov

After we ate lunch and Naruto and Sataki showed me their Rasengan barrier, I was surprised when Sataki asked the question.

"Kakashi, what happened to Obito?"


We were surrounded by enemy shinobi. Neji, Sakura, Obito and I were back to back fighting them off. The blue moon still high in the sky making the already early atmosphere cold causing the hairs on the end of our necks to rise. The enemy shinobi held no headband stating they were rogue ninja.

All in all, we were a great team. Sure, we were using way too much chakra, and my sharingan began to have its effects, but we need to get past these guys so we can reach Sataki.

Just then, Obito spoke up. "We aren't getting anywhere. We need to get past them. The longer we wait, the more dangerous the situation becomes. We need to get to her before she passes out, he may as well be already using her as a weapon."

"Then how do you suppose we get past them all?" It was Neji who spoke up.

"It's cold enough as it is." Sakura complained.

"Exactly." Obito responded enthusiastically.

"Just what do you suggest, Obito?" I asked curious. I hope he doesn't plan on anything reckless. But then again, it is Obito, I just hope I don't lose him again. We really would love to have him back. Especially Sataki. He was her first friend and best friend.

She would stand up for him when everyone doubted him. When he was struggling, she would miss the bullseye even though she was better than me, she had the second lowest scores just so that Obito wasn't alone.

"I have an idea, just you three continue on." He made some hand signs and my eyes widened. No! We are gonna lose him again.

"Obito, she said that that is a forbidden jutsu!" I complained.

He just ignored me completing the hand signs yelling as ice began to form. "Water style, ice tomb!"

I watched in horror as the ice covered the remaining enemy shinobi in a mass grave kind of tomb shape. Chakra chains came from the center of the make shift tomb surrounding the grave with a lock holding it together.

Then an already worn out Obito did more hand signs yelling, "water style, ice reverend!" Sealing them in an underground cave with an icy door.

Obito collapsed and Sakura ran up to him to try and save him, but when she checks his pulse, her eyes watering she looks to me. I had tears running down my face.

Neji activated his byakugan and confirmed it with a shake of his head. Obito is dead.

It was the second time I was losing Obito. The second time he was dying for me. As much as I wanted to drop to my knees and lay in a fetal position, I needed to get to Sataki. I wasn't going to let him die in vein.

End flashback.

"He, uh," I looked down for a moment contemplating on telling her the truth, that Obito died using her jutsu, but one look at Naruto's knowing face and I just couldn't do it. "He died stopping the enemy shinobi that fought us when we were out to find you, Sataki." I paused to see the shock on her face.

Suddenly she started nodding. "Well, at least he died a hero. A worthy shinobi." She said as tears starting to fall down her face. I had the urge to pull her into a hug. I put my hand out to put on her shoulder.

She looked at me with her puppy eyes and smiled. I was confused. She is taking it better than I thought she would. I guess that it's a good thing, but Naruto was slightly more worried. I could see that he was trying to lighten the mood.

"Sataki-San, do you...uh, wanna call it a day. I could keep hold off the fort at home while you stay with Kakashi-sensei." He offered.

She smiled turning to me. I gave her a closed eye smile which she giggled. "Yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thanks Naruto. Maybe a change in scenery is what I need. Also," she paused standing up. She walked over to Naruto before pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry you had to see me in such a state that day. I never want you to have to go through that again." I was shocked.

Sure, she is still recovering, but I wasn't expecting her to be almost back to normal in these short months. It's a miracle she is still sane.

"Hey, Sataki-San, what kind of summons do you have?" Naruto asked.

I'm not gonna lie, I was also interested. She hasn't been able to show me them yet and she had promised to do so. So, for the sake of my mind, I learned forward to see them as she used the summoning jutsu. There were four horses that are taller than the average stallion.

The one on the right was a male mustang, (apparently they are all of pure wild mustang descent) he was a white with a black mane. The tip of his mouth was also black and his name was Rigor (R-eye-gor).

The one next to him was a female mustang that was a pure white. Her name was Crystal.

Next to her was obviously the leader. He was a solid black stallion who just by looking at him anyone can tell the dominance that radiates off of him. His name was Ketsou (k-eh-t-sue)

He was also very protective of Sataki standing close to her in a protective manner.

I was a little angry at his body language because where the Hell was he when she was being tortured? Where was he when we were looking for her and the moon was blue? Where was he when she was taken last time?

Then I calmed a bit because he wouldn't have known. This is the first time I'm seeing them in person. I'm sure that he tried. Now that I think about it, pakkun did say that he could sense horse summons going a little crazy when she was taken the first time from our village. Now I just feel stupid and arrogant.

Then she showed us the fourth horse. Her name was Savannah. She was golden in color like a lion. Her back left leg had white dippings with a white thin line on her head. Her hair was blonde mimicking sand and you can tell she was second in charge. She stood very close Ketsou.

After the introductions, Sataki pulled out four apples and fed them each a one before they proofed away. Naruto, who was jumping up and down yelling and complaining how he wanted to spend more time with them much to the dismay of my sensitive ears. Sataki swatted her hand in the air saying that he could do so some other time.

I thought back to the nightstand by my bedside. Maybe I should, huh? If she is going to stay overnight, it might be the best option I get. Who knows when the next time I'll get this chance. With a smile on my face, I left them to continue training to head home.

I wonder what Kakashi is planning on now. Just kidding, I know what he's doing, and I'm sure y'all know as well.

(Edited 1310)

There are only a couple of more chapters needing editing. Then I will be making more chapters. Hopefully I will begin a schedule soon.

Well, see you soon.

Love you all.


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