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Ps today is my birthday!!! May tenth.

Sataki pov

It's cold. And dark. But no longer damp. I can't seem to move, either. I wonder why?

Wait, is that someone talking? It sounds like the nurse from when I first got to Konoha. What is she saying? It's all muffled, and...

"It has been three months since she came back and has been in this coma,..." Wait, I'm in a coma? For three months?

I strain to hear more, but it's hard to catch.

"She hasn't shown...vital signs...stable..." she was cut off.

"Please wake...I lo..." Kakashi? I heard crying for a while before it became sniffles. Eventually, I heard the door.

A while later the door opened again. "Sataki-San,... miss..." Naruto. I wonder how he is doing. I hope the house is not a disaster. "Sasuke...and Sakura...crying. I promise...bring....back" wait, I can't be hearing this right, Sasuke, what did he do to make you this upset? I swear, that kid needs a good training ass kicking.

I could tell he was trying to hold back tears. "Wake up, Sataki-San. I miss your ramen...and your protective...." Wait, I want to hear this. Damn ringing in the ears.

"Naruto, please don't cry." I try to say, but my mouth won't move. Just then I feel his wet tears fall on my face just as I hear him gasp. He runs out and when he comes back in, I hear him talking to someone. Tsunade? She's here?

"Involuntary crying, huh? This is...I...seen her do such...before."

"What is...crying?"

"It's when someone cries while in a coma." Sakura is here as well. I just didn't want Naruto to cry. Is that what triggered me to start crying? I wonder.

I try to open my eyes, but they won't budge, Naruto, tired. I think just as darkness takes over my consciousness.

Naruto pov

"When I started crying, I looked down to see her crying, Ichiraku." I tell Ichiraku as I eat miso ramen at his shop. Ever time I come here I update them on Sataki-san's condition. It has been a little over three months since they found her. Three months since the archer's death. Three months since the blood moon that suddenly turned blue for a few hours before turning red once more.

Apparently, the moon turned blue because Sataki-San had unlocked blue blood. It was triggered through the torture she was enduring at the moment." Naruto was clearly upset because be barely touched the ramen he had out in front of him.

"I'm sure she will wake up soon, Naruto. Just make sure to keep that chin up, Kay?" Naruto just started at the miso ramen in front of him half full.

"You say that every time I come eat, old man Teuchi." I said still feeling down. I mean, I couldn't even finish one bowl of ramen. It reminds me of all the times she made me ramen. Hers was good, too. Even better that Ichiraku's ramen, and that's saying a lot.

I looked over at the old man to see that he was down too. I wonder... "hey of man Teuchi?"

He looks up in response. "Why are you so upset about Sataki-San?"

He seemed to ponder on it. "I knew it, he is hiding something. Wait, he couldn't have taught Sataki-San-" my thoughts were cut off when, "when she was just a child, she would always come to eat. You could say that I am very fond of her much in the same way I am fond of you, Naruto." Awe makes me feel like a jerk now, believe it.

"At one point, I taught her my recipe so she could help out." Never mind I take that back, I was spot on, believe it. "She did work here for a while to help cook during the war effort." He continued on. I had my eyes closed and my mouth in a straight line with my arms crossed nodding my head. "Totally called it. Believe it." I said. I usually yell that last part, but I can't seem to muster the energy I used to. Ichiraku chuckled at this.

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