hidden scrolls part 1

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Dear Naruto,

This is all the jutsu I have come up with. I have yet to be able to accomplish the ones in italic, but I hope to still work on with you. I even put the hand signs in there for you to learn.


Earth style, enslavement

An earth based genjutsu. It coats the opponent in an earth like tomb and the victim is either witnessing a few moments of when I was in the cell, or the victim feels the pain I felt when I was tortured.


Aqua koi, self healing jutsu.

A healing jutsu. Using the chakra infused sapphires in the necklace, I creates koi out of the water that swim around the wounds healing the user.


Fire flower, area healing jutsu

A jutsu where a flower made of fire sprouts from the ground. When it bursts open, the pollen in the form of embers spread and heal up to fifteen comrades.


Wind style, rising tornado

A jutsu in the form of a tornado made from wind chakra. If string enough, I can create catastrophic damage.


Wind and water style, Hurricane devastation

A jutsu that can only be achieved combining rising tornado and water based chakra.


taijutsu style, Warrior's morale

A taijutsu that focuses chakra in certain points of the palms and feet. Occasionally the elbows. This allows me to hit pressure points with exceptional speed and accuracy.


Wind and fire style jutsu, flaming petal chain reaction

A jutsu that mimics paper bombs using my kekki genkai. The wind carries the petals in a manner that surrounds the opponent and sets them on fire. When one explodes it creates a domino effect with the other petals.



I was able to use this by watching Kakashi use it. I practiced it when I was a Gennin. A lightning based jutsu that when you are close enough you can hear the chirping of a thousand birds. If you want to learn this, go to Kakashi. It is up to him if you can learn this or not.


Water style, Ice tomb

A sealing jutsu that I am saving for when I need it most. It is a forbidden jutsu in my book. Don't use it cause it can kill you if you don't have enough chakra. It is a jutsu that creates a tomb out of ice and chains will surround it in a lock.


Wind style, wind barrier

A jutsu that creates a barrier made of wind. I uses this technique when I creates the petal wind barrier.


Petal wind barrier

A combination of wind barrier and my kekki genkai. A barrier where I use petals as blades

This only a few so far, but I need to tell you of the archer. He is not a ninja. His name is unknown even to his counterparts. He is only an expert archer, but he knows how to use the bow as a weapon if the enemy is unlucky enough to get too close. He is also an expert at interrogation. In a way, he is like Ibiti only he focuses on physical torture. He's the sadist who gets a kick out of seeing his victims squirm. He hates waiting, but if it means more information on his victim's past, he takes it.

He manages to find a way to make you visibly shake in fear with a single look into his blood hungry eyes. He became obsessed with me when I was only six. I'm sure he has been looking forward to the moment he can get his hands on me for a long time.

Thankfully, Minato-san, or a.k.a. your father, was the one who saved me. At the time, I didn't care that he was taking me out. I also didn't know his motives, but I felt I could trust him from the look in his eyes. Naruto, you have his eyes. The eyes that show how you feel. I saw the sadness and pain he felt for me. When I first saw you, I could see the innocence and love in your eyes. I could also see the potential you held.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. When he brought me back, I was actually looking forward to seeing him visit me everyday at the hospital. He gave me the bandages to cover my face. He knew I wasn't comfortable with the scars.

Eventually, he adopted me. He taught me the basics of ninja training. I also remember Kushina-san, your mother. She had red hair and we both clicked. The two of them would always try to get me to take off the bandages, but the whispers I would get told me otherwise. People talked about Kushina-san and I because of our red hair and inhuman traits. Before you, she was the kyuugi for the nine tailed fox, I just had "demon" eyes. My eyes got me a lot of unwanted attention. But the moment when I would Minato-san, he took all the worry away. Minato-san was also Kakashi's sensei and fourth Hokage.

Naruto, your mother wanted to be the first female Hokage, while your father also wanted to become Hokage. You see, it's in your DNA, you will become Hokage. Before I was friends with Kakashi, I actually hated him. I was always sticking up for Obito. He was one of Kakashi's team members. Obito was my first friends. I purposely held back because he was getting it bad. In a way, he was a lot like you Naruto. Yeah, you had the same personality. Same scores even. Kakashi was the top student, Obito was the worst. Just like you and Sasuke. Actually, Obito was an Uchiha too.

After Obito died, I comforted Kakashi. Cause of this we became friends. We were inseparable for a while. Then his other teammate died, Rin. He was torn. I stuck by his side for a while after that.

When Minato-san died, he made me promise to be there for you. I would have done it anyway, we are family. But when he died, at first, I just wanted to be alone. Anbu had to pry me away from his dead body. I decided to retire for a while so I could raise you.

Now you know how I know Kakashi, and my relation to you, but their is still my team to mention. "Bushy brows", a.k.a. Guy, and Asuma. If you ever meet Guy, be warned, he is a weird one. He is always talking about youth and he loves a challenge.

Asuma is Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino's sensei. He is also the third Hokage son. Naruto, these people I mention are some of my few friends I consider family.

I've never told anyone other than one person about my past. That person was Obito.

Now that you know my past, I hope you can forgive me for not telling you sooner. After Obito died, I began to have trust issues on who to tell. I needed to have someone my age know, but I didn't want that person to die on me. I don't think I can handle it. Please forgive me.

Well, that's all for now. I love you Naruto. You are the brother I needed in my life.


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