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Sataki pov

"Can we talk about this after our date?" He asked.

"Of course, we wouldn't want the mood to ruin the moment, now would we?" I said teasingly raising my eyebrows accordingly.

He just scoffed and rolled his one visible eye at the obvious attempt to brighten the mood seconds before laughing. Jackpot. I knew that would work.

As his laughter began dying down, he sat up putting his hand in his weapon pouch. I smirked. Just how lonely is he? I might make the date right after this.

I watched as Kakashi pulled out his Icha Icha Paradise book and I couldn't hold it back. I chuckled. He looked at me from his book with his one eye. "What is it?" He asked. Oh, how clueless is he? I laughed some.

"You must really be lonely to read that" I motioned to the book in his hand "after asking me out is all." I wiped an invisible tear from my face to prove just how funny this situation is for me.

He widened his eyes in realization at what I was saying. He gave a nervous laugh rubbing the back of his neck closing the book. I could see the faintest of pink dust just over his mask.

I giggled standing up. I put my hand out for him to take. He grabbed it and I pulled him up. We began heading back to the village. When we got there, we just ended up walking throughout the village talking.

We walked past Iruka as he was eating ramen with Naruto. I decided to sneak up on Naruto from behind. Kakashi watched in amusement as the unsuspecting genin jumped the ramen spilling on his lap after I grabbed his shoulder yelling, "pikachu!"  I laughed grabbing my stomach as Iruka fell on the floor holding his stomach. The poor kid would probably never get the joke, but heck it was worth the reaction.

Kakashi and I left after I paid for the one bowl I spilt and we walked down a busy street. I've seen Ibiki and Anko even. When they dragged us to the dango shop, I was contemplating on something. Ibiki and Anko are a thing? Oh, our poor village. We already have two psychos we don't need little crazies running around. Oh, the stress of that Hokage. I pity whoever it will be.

Afterwards, we left as I was still shocked at the fact that Ibiki would date Anko. At first, we didn't see him. But when we did, we both made a run for it. Thankfully he didn't see us, or else we would be forced into another race with him.

We continued in silence after we deemed it safe for a while holding hands as we talked of the many times Guy has seemed to barge in our lives. I was laughing at the time when Guy seemed to try and challenge Kakashi when he was trying to relieve himself back when we were kids.

And of the tiny fact that at six, Guy was acorn sized. We actually had to stop walking for a few minutes since I was laughing so hard. Mental note, bring an acorn from your next mission as a joke.

We were now walking in the direction of Hokage tower when a certain pink haired Uchiha stalker decided they were gonna show up. She was stalking Kakashi and I, in all actuality. I decided that I was gonna talk to her first.

"Hey, Sakura. How's it going?" I asked causing her to yelp.

I could see Kakashi eye me from my peripheral vision. I just stuck my tongue out at him. It is thanks to Sakura that we are even on this date, so don't go getting mad at me for acknowledging her, I thought to myself. He just gave me an amused smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's all good. Actually, I was looking for Sasuke, have either of you seen him?"

"No, I'm sorry Sakura, I haven't seen him." Kakashi spoke first.

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