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Naruto pov

It has been five days since that shady bastard of a guy took Sataki-San away. Sataki-San, who was that guy? I was at the old man's tower with Kakashi-sensei, Sakura and Sasuke were here as well. Even bushy brows was here. We were all looking for her. Kiba and Akamaru were still out with Shino and Hinata looking for her.

I thought back to that bastard. He had to have known her for a long time now, but how? It's all so frustrating!

He had this weird way of talking when it came to Sataki-San. He spoke completely different the moment she came into view.

At first, he was all crazy with this really creepy look in his eye. But then she actually showed up and he seemed to collect himself instantly. It was weird, believe it!

It was like he was losing himself and Sataki-San was the only escape he had.

He knew her. But if she was always a part of this village, something just doesn't add up. Unless, she was an outsider at one point. Then that would make sense as to why she stayed with me. She knew what it was like, yeah. I remember her saying something along those lines before. Believe it!

But she also knows him.

I don't like it. But somehow she knew about him. She knew he was after her. She knew before he even showed up that he was there. My hand went to where I held the scroll she gave me.

Maybe he was why she was so out of it. She sensed him and it drove her to isolate herself inside. She became quiet.

I wonder, how long did she know he was after her? I looked over to Kakashi-sensei, he had his hounds out looking for her. He hasn't slept at all and neither have I. She is like a sister to me. When the village kept looking down to me, it was Sataki-San who always found a way to brighten my day.

Her ramen and motherly behavior towards me is what kept me going home to her. She was the reason why I never gave up. She believed in me when no one else did.

"When she ran to find Naruto, she had cut herself on a boulder. I have been using that to help find her, but the rain has brought a setback. We need something else to catch her smell." That's right the necklace.

"Kakashi-sensei," I looked over to Kakashi-sensei, and brought the necklace out handing it to him.

"It has her chakra infused in the sapphires. She gave it to me just a few hours before the whole ordeal." I said praying it would be just what he needs.

Kakashi-sensei ruffled my hair a bit like how Sataki-San does and it brought tears to my eyes.

He grabbed the necklace and summoned Pakkun. The small dog was ready to find her as well. The people Sataki-San knows, they really care for her. It hurts, believe it. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out the building.

I ran until I got to the spot where Sataki-San and I would secretly train when I was still in the academy. My mind went to the scroll, but I can't seem to think straight, let alone train. I pulled the scroll out. A part of it was missing. It was torn.

Sataki pov

I was in the same cell where I was when Minato-san saved me. The archer had already did a good number on me. I was probably pale. Very pale, from the blood loss.

The bandages that are usually on my face are gone. He ripped them off. He had this look in his eyes and I wondered not for the first time where I had seen him before. I should know who he is, it's like a part of me is telling me something.

The archer had carved a rose on my back covering the entirety of it. He would laugh at how much pain he gave me when he did that. I couldn't cry. My face was straight. I couldn't sleep. An old friend was among them.

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