twenty two

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Sataki pov

A few days later, the nightmares are still there. I remember the numbness and become stiff. I unintentionally isolate myself and I find myself looking at the kunai pouch next to my bedside every time I wake up.
I scare myself at times with these thoughts. Tonight is no different. But, at the same time... everything is different. I wake up in a cold sweat and I look to my weapon pouch. I grab the kunai, and I head down the hall.

Warning: self harm is mentioned ahead. If u do not like reading this kind of stuff, skip until u see ~. Sorry in advance.

Naruto pov

I was just sleeping in my bed when I heard a crashing noise. I woke up, but I still had sleep in my eyes, so I wiped the sleep away. I wonder what that noise was. I got up outta bed grabbing my weapons pouch. Too tired to even put it on I grabbed a kunai and began to walk down the hall. I heard crying. Sataki-San? I have to go check on her. But she wasn't in her room. I walked further down the hall to where the crying was coming from.

"Why can't I feel it? I can't feel it!" Sataki-San is definitely the one crying. But, what can't she feel? I scratch the back of my head in thought continuing into the living area where I froze.

There sitting on the floor is Sataki-San with a bloodied kunai in hand, blood dripping from her arm with her eyes wide open with tears streaming down.

I snapped out of my trance running up to her yelling, "What are you doing, Sataki-San?" I grabbed the kunai from her hand throwing it away. The kunai skidded across the floor smearing her blood on the floor. I grabbed her wrist tears threatening to fall from my face, but I choked them back. I pulled her to the kitchen where I grabbed a towel, wet it and began cleaning the blood off of her arm, but it wouldn't stop.

She kept having this glazed look in her eyes as she chanted, "I can't feel it. I can't feel it. I can't feel it."

"Sataki-San, what can't you feel?" I asked applying pressure to her wound.

"It's numb, I can't feel the pain." My heart froze. She can't feel the pain. That bastard tortured her so much that she physically can't feel the pain? I know that I need to tell granny Tsunade about this, but I can't just leave her here either.


I decided to use the shadow clone jutsu creating two clones so that one went to get granny Tsunade, and the other to get Kakashi-sensei. He would want to know about this as well.

I kept trying to stop the bleeding and thankfully it didn't take long for Kakashi-sensei to poof himself here with medical supplies.

He ended up doing a better job than me cleaning her wound and stopping the bleeding.

He spoke to her in a calm soothing voice that got her to compose herself. I mean, she is still shocked up, but she is no longer chanting how she can't feel it.

A minute later granny Tsunade barged in and started to use her medical jutsu as I kept pacing.

"She's in shock. Naruto tell me exactly what happened." And so, I told her. I told her how I woke up to hear crying how when I walked in the living room what I saw and what she said. When I was done explaining everything, Sataki-San suddenly started chanting again, "I can't feel it." Over and over again. I could see Kakashi-sensei's eyes widen as his muscles tensed and he shook. I think we're losing Sataki-San. I don't want to lose Sataki-San.

Time skip about nine months.

Sataki pov

It has been a few months since I had the episode with Naruto. I actually felt terrible about the whole ordeal and had to give up being a jounin leader. I am officially a normal shinobi with jounin status.

Right now I am on an early morning run. It keeps me calm. When I can feel the air rush past me as I keep to the ground I have a sense of nostalgia and all I can think about is the wind, my speed, and the burning of my lungs. My legs should be aching but I don't feel the pain. Not that I mind anymore, I've actually come to terms with it and apparently so has Kakashi because of adult reasons.

I have been running for a few hours now at top speed. Since I can't feel pain, I have been pushing myself more now so than ever. I have actually just been qualified for missions again, so I have been training extra hard.

I stopped to breathe and take a small break. I have been going over all of my jutsus daily. Except for the forbidden one of course, but I have also been working with Naruto to create Rasengan barrier.

Naruto had been training off to the side while I had been running more. When I stood back up he walked over so we could work on the barrier that we have tried for weeks now. While Naruto creates the Rasengan, I add my wind chakra to expand it and create a wall in front of us, but it just doesn't seem to work.

Suddenly, "why can't we have clones help us out with this, Sataki-San?"

My eyes widened in realization. "Oh my Kami, Naruto you're brilliant. Yes let's try that." I said.

We used a shadow clone jutsu to create five clones each. Then Naruto created two more clones to create the Rasengan. Then I added my wind chakra, and we created a decent size barrier around both of us with the clones helping to keep it in place.

We both smiled at the success and together we stopped and said in unison, "again." And we did it again and again until I sensed Kakashi and smelled the ramen. I motioned for Naruto stop and we both headed to the break area.

Once Kakashi was in sight we waved to him. He gave us a closed eye smile as I knew what he was thinking.

"You forget that I'm a sensory ninja, Kakashi?" He hummed and shook his head giving us our ramen. I watched as the two broke their chopsticks and ate the food. "I was wondering because I started using you to take breaks and I can read you like an open book." I smirked at him as he glared at me a little. Gotta bitch. I chuckled as I too began eating.

I couldn't help but realize how we act like a family. I'm the mother. Kakashi is the dad, and Naruto is the son. Oh my Kami, but if I'm the mom and Kakashi is the dad, then that would mean... I trailed off as my mind began to picture Kakashi and I getting married and adopting Naruto. I probably had a huge blush on my face at the thought. When I shook the thought away I could see that both Kakashi and Naruto had sly smirks on their faces as they watched me in amusement.

My face turned red as a tomato as I stammered. "N-now j-just be-because I get lost in thought a lot does not mean that the two of you can look at me like I'm entertainment." I struggled as my face became more and more flushed.

Kakashi's face flushed in embarrassment when he realized that I was thinking about the three of us. Naruto just smiled and continued eating his ramen while looking in the corner of his eye to look at me.

It was truly unnerving how these two now view me. It's like that song, I'm here for your entertainment by Adam Lambert, but I'm not. Get it? Me neither.

(Edited also short, but its two in one day 1369)

Hello my lovelies, I am sorry for the long wait.

Another chapter is here.

Until next time


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