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Sataki pov

The following morning I was told to visit the Hokage. On my way there, however, his voice boomed in my head. He sounded like he was struggling and I knew what was wrong before he even spoke a word.

"Sataki, I am having trouble keeping him at bay. Help me, please." His voice was mixed with Shukaku's and it was still frightening to hear.

"Where are you, Gaara?" I asked already heading in the direction of the hotel on knew they competitors for the chunnin exams were staying.

"At the inn. Room 127." He was still struggling with the one tails and I was actually fearful for him.

I linked the Hokage telling him of this before heading to help Gaara. He said to just be quick about it. That what he wants of me is urgent and to not take my time.

I thanked him before shutting off the link and teleported to Gaara. Instantly, I was surrounded by sand and I was somehow in Gaara's conscience.

I looked over and saw a scared Gaara and a pissed Shakaku.

"You." The tailed beasts voice boomed laced with venom.

"Whattup." I spoke calmly.

"Why are you here again? The last time you were around Gaara, he was void of any hate! I feed on his hate!" He was really pissed and absolutely loathed me being there.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't feed on that. I hear it isn't good for you. Too many calories." I said waving my hand back and forth nonchalantly with my other hand behind my neck and my eyes closed.

He just scoffed rolling his eyes? I think they are eyes, but I could be wrong. There's too much sand for my liking to be honest. When I opened them, he was inches from my face glaring at me.

"You know, I could always do what I did last time?" I suggested. Gaara's eyes widened at this as he flinched. Heck even the tailed beast flinched at my words.

I had effectively put him in a coma last time so that Gaara could be in peace for a while, but when he woke up. Well, let's just say that the tailed beast was pissed.

Eventually I got the tailed beast to calm down enough that I could leave him and head back to the Hokage. When I knocked on the door and I heard him say come in, I entered with a smile.

"So I guess that means all is well?" He asked.

"Yes, Lord Third," I said nodding my head.

"Alright then," he started as he puffed smoke out of his pipe. "I need you to be one of the projectors aiding Ibiki."

I nodded my head as I thought, but was interrupted baby him speaking up. "I need you to get information on all chakra signatures there. I believe something is going to happen other than the sand shinobi." He said rather calmly.

I bowed my head in respect and went to the sight where I would meet with Ibiki. Once there I was told that I would be undercover as to see how many I could eliminate from the competition.

On the way there, we teleported to the room. I had my hands behind my neck as I looked up sensing all the different chakra signatures. I could see Naruto and his team along with my team as they all had a shocked look on their faces. They all felt screwed. Especially Naruto.

As I was focused on putting faces with chakra signatures, I kept a close eye on the sound ninja and that Kabuto character. He visibly flinched when he saw me and for good reason.

He is Orochimaru's loyal puppet. We had fought before. I only kept a close eye on the sound ninja because they flinched as well. If they're here, then Orochimaru must be as well, I thought.

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