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Two hours before the clearing...

Sataki pov

I decided that we were gonna take a couple of warm up laps around Konaha before heading to the clearing. As we did, I looked back wandering if I had lost the kid, but surprisingly I could see Naruto keeping up. I decided to completely turn around while running backwards to see him.

He had a shocked look on his face. His eyes white and his mouth hung open. "Show off!" He yelled pointing his finger at me. He actually slowed down a bit cause of it. I also don't blame him. I am going the same speed backwards as I was forwards.

I notice a crack in the roof top that his foot got caught in as he tumbled forward. His eyes closed waiting for impact but I didn't let him. I quickly caught him with one arm under his torso as he regrettably opened one eye. He screamed as he looked down towards the ground. He would have fallen five stories if he had fallen.

My ears ringing, I flinch at the pain as I call out to him. "Naruto!"

He stops screaming lifting his head. "Yeah, Sataki-San?" It was a whisper as he took notice of my now bleeding ear.

"You're not falling. I saved you." I stated plainly. Pulling him up straight.

He gets his balance once more and starts scratching the back of his head giving me an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that, Sataki-San. Looks like I got you hurt."

"Nah, don't worry about it." I said using healing ninjutsu on my ear.

It was quiet for a while as we continued our run. I never did like it when he was quiet, it meant mischief, and when it involves Naruto, it's either personal or he has a prank set up. It was too quiet. That is, until I decided to break the silence.

"Naruto, you've been working on what was in the scroll?" I asked him.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I did. Kakashi-sensei did as well." He said with a far off look. He's worried about me. Thinks he has to protect me, but I'm supposed to be protecting him.

I hummed in response. I turned back around again looking down at my watch. Six fifty, huh? We better head to the clearing.

"We will be working on some of those jutsus when we reach the others. We got ten minutes to make it to the entrance where the others should be waiting. You ready?" I looked to Naruto with a smile as I pointed my forefinger next to my face upward.

He gave me his goofy grin yelling. "Yeah, yeah. I was born ready. Believe it!" I giggled while he laughed as we took off. It was good, thankfully he doesn't hold onto things for very long and he never minds a change in topic if it is about training or ramen.

When we got there, Naruto was out of breath. I looked to him panting a little myself. He was able to keep up the entire time. And I was going full speed, even if I do have chakra weights on. Still, he is getting better. He sure is improving. That's good, now I need to improve so that he doesn't feel the need to protect me.

I turned to the others who are all out of breath. Sakura was on the ground breathing pretty heavy as Sasuke was panting too though he was leaning against a tree. Sophie was sitting on a rock with a far off look as her brother was on his stomach on the ground going on and on about how he gives up on life. Leslie looked like she didn't even break a sweat as she leans against a tree with her arms crossed. I picked up my bag off the ground from a nearby stump. "Alright, what I am about to say goes for everyone here. So listen up. Everyday we will train together until I say so."

Sasuke and Sakura were quiet as my students were complaining. I'm sure Sakura was too tired to complain and Zakrai just had a look of pure horror as I told them that all they did so far was take two laps.

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