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Sataki pov

Once inside the Hokage tower, I knocked on the door a couple of times. There was some shuffling on the other side followed by some whispers. Finally, I heard the Hokage say, "come in, Sataki."

I smirked as I looked down at Konohamaru before looking up and behind me to Temari before opening the door.

As we entered Konohamaru began challenging his grandfather for his title and I shuffled a giggle. Temari, however, let out a full blown laugh as she watched him trip over nothing.

Smiling at his grandson, the Hokage let out a puff of smoke from his pipe. His eyes closed, he was quiet. I dropped my smile as I gave a nod that was too small to be noticeable by anyone else.

I then bowed saying how Temari wanted to talk to him before I took my leave.

On my way out the building, I met up with Guy, who I haven't seen in a while.

"Hey, there, Bushy Brows." I called out to him. He turned around with his biggest grin and made his usual pose.

"My youthful rose, how's my eternal rival treating your youth?" He was overly hyped and I took quiet note of his look alike gawking at the two of us.

"Actually, since you ask, he's still the same as ever. I have a challenge for you, Guy." I had on a smirk I picked up from Naruto when he is up to something.

Guy actually looked fearful for a sec before he caught on. "What is it my youthful rose wants me to steal from my rival?"

I held my hands clasped behind my back as I gave him a closed eye smile as I answered him. "His book."

He gave a thoughtful look with his finger to his chin. "Challenge accepted." Then he gave me his smile that actually sparkled. "What are the rules?"

"He must not find out that it is missing, that is all I request." I began to walk away before, "oh, and you have two hours to complete this challenge." I waved to him and his students before teleporting away onto the top of Hokage mountain looking down. I was sitting on the fourth's head as I saw Guy asking people around for Kakashi's location. I was able to sense Kakashi's presence at the usual training grounds but I looked up to see sand heading my way. I smiled knowing what would happen.

Gaara formed from the sand next to me looking out. He refused to make eye contact for a while as he stayed quiet.

A few minutes in, he finally decided to speak. "Hey, Sataki-San. I'm glad I could see you again." His monotone voice was hard for me to tell if he was being genuine or not, but I could sense the blood lust in his chakra. "Even if I don't look it, I really am glad."

"Glad to see that you are here too. I actually wanna keep in contact with you so that if you do lose control again, I could help." I said calm and casual the same I do when I'm with Iruka.

He seemed to think on this for a good bit before answering. "You could always use your bonding jutsu on me so we could talk telepathically." He offered.

"Yeah, good idea." I said as I did exactly that smiling. I looked up to meet his gaze to see a small smile playing at his lips.

Instantly, he connected to me and told me of how for the chunnin exams, he is supposed to let Shukaku out to attack the village at the end of the chunnin exams. I nodded as I hugged him and went tell the Third Hokage about this.

"I see." He said simply blowing smoke out of his pipe. "This is troublesome."

Konohamaru was no longer in the office and I was glad. I also needed to be at my house in a little bit. It has been a little over an hour and a half.

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