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Kakashi pov

After some time, I slowly opened my eyes to find that I was at my place. Then the memory of what Sataki and I did came to mind and I blushed. Well, no wonder I don't have my mask on. I looked to the side where the window is to see that the sun was setting. My smile disappeared when I remembered what she said about my book.

When I looked down I noticed she had fallen asleep. I knew she was supposed to meet her students to train, but I didn't want to wake her. I tried to gently move her as to not wake her and managed to do so as I cleaned up in the shower.

I put the towel around my waist before looking in the mirror. I had red marks on my back and at times like these I'm glad I always wear a mask. The hockey she left was just under my jawline.

On the way out, I heard her stiffen a cough and I sighed. I walked in with a smirk on my face. "I left the water if you wanna take a bath. I need to clean the sheets. Later, you will have to meet up with your students."

At this, I seen her widened her eyes. I simply chuckled. "I will tell them for you if you want?" I suggested.

Her gaze softened as she spoke. "If you don't mind, they are at the clearing. And now that I think about it, they have been there for a while." She spoke putting her finger to her chin.

I simply smiled looking at her collar bone where a purplish mark now resides. She noticed what I was looking at and blushed. I went next to my dresser and grabbed a pair of underwear along with my mask. I then headed to my closet and grabbed some clothes. I put my underwear on before my pants and walked out putting on my mask.

I was feeling the effects of over using this Sharingan, so I had closed the eye for now as I looked to her struggling to clip the back of her bras. I chuckled when she gave an irritated sigh before walking up behind her and clipping it.

I kissed her shoulder blade with my hands on her shoulders.

"Thank you, Kakashi."

"You don't need to thank me, love." I whispered but it came out husky.

She blushed a little and she nodded as she stood up. She winced from the pain and I sighed walking up to help her.
She just said she was fine, but I wasn't buying it. So, with concern in my voice, "Are you sure? I didn't hurt you?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Just a little sore. I'll be in the bath, just do what you got to do and go to my students, please." I chuckled before I kissed her where her scar is next to her lips. She blushed and I smiled before getting the sheets off and throwing them in the wash to clean them.

I heard her get out of the bath just as I finished so I pulled up my mask and headed out towards the clearing area where she told me her students would be and I noticed they were busy training. I teleported near them with my signature entrance with my hand up in greeting.

"Sorry Sataki couldn't make it, I uh, held her up." I said. They all looked at me accusingly and I waved both my hands in front to explain. "She said that I was tell you guys about entering the chunnin exams, is all." And they all softened their gases at hearing that Sataki had sent me.

I guess they were worried about her.

"Anyways, in five days, you are all going to head to the academy and enter room 301 on the third floor with these forms," I handed them the forms. "For the chunnin exams. I look forward to seeing you then."

And with that I teleported away. I was back at the house and saw Sataki eating. I just hugged her from behind as she smiled. Her smile is so beautiful. I love it and everything about her. I thought as I kissed the back of her head through my mask. She held her chop sticks out with a pork steak on it for me to eat. I slid my mask down as I opened my mouth to eat it. She smiled at this and it caused me to smile. It was good. I can never get over how her homemade ramen is ten times better than Ichiraku Ramen.

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