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Name: Sataki Sohara
Age: 27
Hair color: blood red
Hair style: high ponytail that goes down to the waist
Eye color: blood red

Hobbies: reading, training, cooking, star gazing, challenging Guy, eating dango, eating ramen, and keeping up with Naruto

Likes: peace and quiet moments, Kakashi, ramen, dango, training with Naruto, cooking homemade ramen for Naruto, friends, summons, Kakashi's protective behavior, the way Kakashi fights, and Kakashi's hair

Dislikes: bullies, people who sell out their comrades, people who are stuck up, haters, people who use their summons as tools and pawns, people who believe everyone is beneath them, Kakashi's excuses, Danzo, and death.

Tolerates: Guy and Lee, spicy food, the way Anko dresses, Kakashi's laziness, Naruto's pranks

Scars: on the corner of her lips. Bow scars on both collar bones. A rose on her back that was carved. Stab wound scars on shoulders, arms, and behind left shoulder just under shoulder blade.

Kekki genkai:
Stage one: petal dance
Stage two, exploding rose
Stage three, blue blood

Inherited trait: blood clone

More information: The Sohara name is often depicted as a wolf pack. Very protective of those closest to them. Very loyal, and ruthless. Master of assassinations and teamwork.

Now onto the training.


Bonding jutsu

A jutsu that requires the user and the person who he/she chooses to slice the palm of hand and put the cuts aligned with each other. Using their free hand, they put them together using the appropriate hand signs that allow them to link each other telepathically. (Kinda like how werewolves can link through a pack, but requires the use of blood)


Rising hurricane

A wind and water based jutsu that is a hurricane, also able to use over land, but it takes up way too much chakra. Large amounts of chakra reserves are needed for this to work for more than forty-five seconds.


Teleportation jutsu

a jutsu that allows one to teleport short distances


Substitution jutsu

A jutsu that allows one to use a substitution in place of yourself.


Blood clone

A literal clone of the person, a weakness of this is that it cannot transform into anything, but it is impossible to tell the clone apart from the real one because of the blood trait.

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