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Sataki pov

That night, I went to bed thinking of Kakashi. The way he made my walls come down so fast. I'd spent ten years building those walls, and he comes in and they turn to dust at his presence. Even Naruto seems okay with me dating his sensei. I giggle a little at the memory. He was so happy for him. Man, Kakashi must really be lonely if Naruto can tell he needed a girlfriend.

Girlfriend...I'm glad he chose me. It...has a nice ring to it...Kakashi's girlfriend.

I went to bed with a smile on my face and no nightmare.

The next morning, I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and woke Naruto up as well. I decided to let him do his morning routine first while I made instant ramen for the two of us. As I heard the shower turn on telling me Naruto was up, a knock was heard at the door. Now, who?...no way?! I found myself smiling as I went to answer the door when it hit me. I'm still in my pajamas. My smile vanished and I just yelled, "it's unlocked, you can enter, Kakashi."

He opened the door and I could tell he was about to ask something when he came to view but stopped himself when he saw what I was wearing. "Yeah, I don't know about you, but I don't go opening my door letting people see me in my pajamas." I spoke shrugging my shoulders.

"Where is Naruto?" Kakashi asked hoping for a change in subject.

"In the shower, which is why I'm still in...these." I said looking down to my clothes. They were long sleeves and the top was a button up, but it was fuzzy and comfortable so I sleep in them a lot.

I looked up to notice Kakashi just nodding his head dumbfounded. He walked in the kitchen where I was and he embraced me. I felt my face get warm as I hugged him back. Sometimes Kakashi can be a baka, but he is my bakashi. I smiled at the thought.

When he let me go, he turned his face and pecked me on the cheek like he did the night before. My face turned red. He chuckled as he sat at the counter taking out his book reading it.

I decided I was gonna make him instant ramen too. I pulled one out and made it as I put Naruto's on the table next to us. I gave one to him as I began eating mine just when I heard the shower turn off.

I finished eating my food as Naruto came down. I cleaned my mess and I walked to my room getting my clothes and headed to the shower. Naruto was just finishing his bowl of ramen when I reach the bathroom door. I turned on the shower and got undressed.

I turned to the mirror and I looked at the scar on my back sighing. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. On my shoulders are the multiple scars from being stabbed so many times. On my collar bone there is a scarring where the bow had hit a few times. Apparently I needed stitches on the one.

I had one of my arms over my breast and the other tracing the scar I was observing on my lip to the center of my neck thinking of the night Kakashi saw my face for the first time.

I was just about to head into the shower when I heard the door open. I instinctively grabbed a towel as I was about to yell at who I thought was Naruto.

But when I saw Kakashi standing there, my face turned fifty shades darker than my hair. My neck and tips of my ears were just as red. I wanted to tell him to get out but he had his hand over my mouth so that I wasn't heard.

"Sorry for barging in, I wasn't thinking." I could tell Kakashi was embarrassed by this, but he still had a nosebleed and that was a bit much. I wrapped the towel over myself squirming a little due to the embarrassment I was feeling. I suddenly felt shy and I couldn't think straight so I just looked down.

He removed his hand from my mouth turning away. I couldn't speak. Kakashi is in my bathroom. With me in here. And I am naked. Isn't he moving too fast? "Ka-kaka-kakashi?" Curse my stuttering. I felt my face becoming really warm and my sight began to blur.

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