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Naruto's pov

Ugh, my head hurts. What the-. I felt around to realize I was in a bed, but I don't remember going to bed. Wait, that's right, now I remember. Believe it.

I was teasing Sataki-San about Kakashi-sensei and then she threatened me about it causing me to pass out on the floor.

I can feel someone behind me with their arms wrapped around me... wait a minute, she didn't sleep next to me. Ugh, not again! I squinted my eyes in annoyance because she did this all the time growing up.

What if Sakura saw me? Oh no, then I will never be recognized as a capable person. Man, Sataki-San why did you have to go and do that. I mean, all I did was ask the obvious, right?

She did do it with Kakashi-sensei, right?

Maybe it wasn't that at all. Maybe it was my response. I thought about it trying my best to ignore her as her grip tightened around me. Which is completely uncalled for. Believe it.

Now what was it she said? Was it... oh yeah now I remember. Believe it.

Flashback: " If you ever turn out like him, I will end your ability to have kids, Naruto."

Cold shiver ran up my spine at the memory. She actually threatened to clip me. I'm a man, I need to be able to have kids, otherwise,...wait a minute! Believe it! Why am I even thinking these thoughts?! I'm only twelve. Believe it!

No wonder she threatened me that way, but then again, who was it she didn't want to turn out like? I need to know that way future generations will be safe. Hmmm,

"Ugh! Sataki-San now you've gone and went too far!" I yelled because her grip was beginning to suffocate me.

She woke up with a jolt! "Sorry Naruto," she apologized rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She then patted my head and walked out. Believe it! She just walked out.

"Sataki-San?" I called to her.

She stopped at the door and turned to face me. She suddenly looked... exhausted. "You alright?" I asked her.

She gave me her famous closed eye smile that is a lot like Kakashi-sensei's. "Yeah, I'm fine Naruto."

I guess it was from the fact that it was the middle of the night that she looked so tired, so I tried to shake it off, but it kept nagging at me. She looked like she hasn't slept in days. Believe it!

After she walked out, I couldn't fall back asleep. Believe it! I became worried because I remember the nightmares she used to get. Is she getting them again? I really hope not because those days I thought I was gonna lose her.

No one pov

Later that night, Sataki was surprised as a knock was heard on her bedroom window. She wiped the sleep out of her eyes as she sensed him. She could hear him chuckle as she yawned. Still half asleep, she opened the window where Kakashi was in a crouch position. He gave a closed eye smile as she blushed a little. She motioned him in as she just collapsed on her bed. He laughed wholeheartedly yet quietly at the same time as he came to sleep next to her. He held her close from behind as he thought to himself, she must have been out training to keep her mind off of it as well. Either that, or she was having those nightmares again.

The two weren't exactly thinking when they did what they did, and now the two were worried. Especially after hearing from Gaara that the sand shinobi planned on attacking the leaf village at the end of the exams.

She was snoring slightly as Kakashi smiled breathing in her scent. He didn't want to leave her. His subconscious wouldn't let him as he was on edge all day. He was able to hide it from everyone, but he couldn't stop himself from worrying about Sataki.

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