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Sataki pov

The following day, as I was getting groceries with Naruto because he wanted to know where Kakashi was, I could sense him. Damn, I thought, he just has to do his research at the bathhouse, huh? I mentally shook my head in disgust as I sighed.

"Naruto, you go on ahead. Kakashi is at the hospital, but he won't train you." I said looking over at the blonde that was going on and on about ramen and Sasuke.

"What do you mean he won't train me Sataki-San? I need to train believe it!" He asked a little sad.

"He wants to let Ebisu train you, Naruto." I stated in defeat. I was hoping he would see where I was going with this.

"The closet perv, no! He's weaker than I am believe it! I even beat him using my heroism jutsu." He screamed angry that Kakashi would put him with someone like Ebisu. I laughed as I remember him telling me when this happened and how he taught Konohamaru the jutsu. Let's just say, Naruto got a week without ramen for that one. He nearly died from depression, he was so sad.

"Oh, I believe it. Which is why I have a better person in mind." I started. His eyes widened in awe. I smirked because I was going to use this opportunity to help the women at the bathhouse.

He started to get really hyper. He was now walking backwards jumping a little. "Really, really? Who is it?" I had a flashback from when I had seen him this hyper for his first c rank mission.

"Someone who helped train me, as a matter of fact. He also trained the fourth Hokage." I bragged.

His smile got brighter, if that was even possible. So much so, he couldn't open his eyes. "He is one of the legendary sannin. Jiraya. The toad sage. I call him loud mouth, but I'm sure you would have a nickname for him too."

His smile never faltered. I gestured with my head for him to follow. We walked back to the house to save the groceries before heading back out.

We were on our way, when Naruto suddenly asked. "Hey, Sataki-San, why are we heading to the bathhouse?" I laughed evily as Naruto became a little scared.

"Because he's a perve as well, and I'm sure he is spying on the females there for his 'research'" I pointed my fingers in quotes as I said research. "I'm going to use this opportunity to help the women escape his gaze."

"Pervy Sage it is." Naruto said smiling. I laughed at this. I knew he would have a nickname based off of his perverted behavior.

Suddenly Naruto's smile faltered. I looked at him knowing what he was thinking. "Yes, when I threatened you because you started acting like a complete perv, I was referring to loud mouth." He shuttered and I could tell he made a mental note to NOT become like Jiraya.

We soon entered the area, and sure enough, I see him. I decided to yell putting my hands to the sides of my mouth, "hey loud mouth!" He jumped back as he heard me.

"Sataki! How many times have I told you not to call me that?" The women all screamed and ran as they yelled back, "Thanks Sataki!" What can I say, I do this often.

I walked up to him. I spoke in a quieter voice, "as soon as you stop being a perve, I will stop calling you loud mouth. I mean, seriously, you're drooling." I stated as he quickly wiped the drool off his mouth.

Naruto was watching the exchange in a knowing manner. "Sataki-San, how exactly do you know Pervy sage?"

I hummed as I turned to him. "I told you he was one of my sensei's, Naruto." I said in a bored tone.

He nodded his head and Jiraya and I both rose a brow at him. Is he trying to put two and two together? I thought as he just smiled in a coy manner. "Sataki-San, are you the-"

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