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Sataki pov

What is this feeling I have when I'm around Kakashi? My stomach has this feeling like butterflies fluttering around.

He seems to pull away at the crazy that is my past. He doesn't seem to hate me for being who I am. The third Hokage and Minato were the same. They didn't hate me for something I had no control over. Kushina-san understood where I was coming from. She was the kyuugi hold of the nine tailed fox. So I wasn't the only one who people would talk about and we became really close.

But when I'm with Kakashi, it seems so natural that he puts me at ease. I can't explain it. It's like I, no that can't be. Can it? Can I? Do I?

After a while, we fell asleep. As a few hours passed I felt him shake me gently. My eyes hurt from crying and I'm sure they were red from the puffiness. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes as we decided to get out of each other's arms. "Who knows?" Kakashi asked.

I yawned some as I began looking for the bandages.

"The third Hokage," I said with surprising steadiness. Seriously, I shouldn't be surprised at this point. He seemed to let out a breath at my answer though.

"Good, then we need to tell him of this. I wasn't sure if it was worth it, but if he already knows about your past, then we need to tell him." He explained as he held up my bandages allowing me to see that he had them.

I stopped as I looked him in his one onyx eye. "I know, I just-" he cut me off speaking himself. His voice a little scratchy.

"I'll be right there with you." I looked up to see him.

My face felt warm suddenly. What is this I feel? I know I trust Kakashi. "Okay."

I say before getting up and helping him up. He begins putting my bandages back on for me as we started to head towards the Hokage tower. It take long for the Hokage to retire for the night, but we managed to make it just in time to be the last ones to see the Hokage.

We knock at the door as I held the letter in my hand. Kakashi looked over and noticed my hands shaking. He reaches over and laced his fingers in mine to calm me.

When the hokage tells us to come in, we enter. I'm so nervous, but as he takes one look he lets a puff of smoke out and just sighs before speaking. "He's back, ain't he?"

Both Kakashi and I widen our eyes. He knew? I looked at Kakashi and back at the Hokage. "How did you know?" I asked.

"I got a letter from the archer a few hours ago." He spoke as he motioned to the letter in my hand. He opened a drawer in his desk and he held out a piece of paper much like my own. I grabbed it taking exchanging my own with his and began reading. Kakashi never let my hand go which Lord Hiruzen took note of as he read mine.

His read:

The Sohara in your village has escaped me once, but I won't let it happen again. I want that Sohara. I want her to suffer. I want to see her squirm the way she used to. I want to hear her screams again. And I will torture her again. One way, or another. After all, she is my drug.


I was frozen on the spot. Kakashi took it upon himself to take it and read it. "Sadistic bastard. Who does he think he is?" Kakashi was fuming with anger as he let my hand go. I could faintly read worry in his chakra as well as something else I can't place. I was too frozen and lost in my thoughts to focus enough. I was shaking in fear.

No one pov

Both men paused and looked Sataki, the only other person in the room. The fear was rolling off of her in waves. You didn't need a sensory ninja to tell that. Her chakra caused hear hair to rise in a hectic manner. Her ponytail broke from the chaos her hair is in.

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