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Omg, almost 3 k views. I'm sorry for not being able to update a lot this one will be really short, but I do have major writers block for like all my books and have been trying. I do apologize ahead for it but this will be like the last chapter of this book.

"Sataki-sensei!!!!" Three very talented chuunin yelled to their missing sensei.

Ah, I missed them. I thought as I gave them a closed eye smile that was a mix of Naruto's goofy grin and Kakashi's lazy closed eye smiles.

When they got to me, the froze. Their face in unison drifted to my left hand. I gave them a confused look before looking down and... "oh, that's right. Since I haven't you guys in forever, you have never been updated have you?"

They shook their heads, but Leslie spoke first. "It's Kakashi-sensei, right?" Which earned her a look from Sophie.

"Of course it's Kakashi-sensei, who else would she say yes to?" She spoke sarcastically as her twin brother Zakrai nodded quietly.

I giggled. Well, she's not wrong. "Alright you three, settle down." As I say this they happily oblige. "Now for the bad news," I start and instantly they frown.

They already have an idea, man this really blows. "I cannot be your sensei anymore. Instead, you will have someone else. Someone I recommended since I trust him. You will be meeting him tomorrow morning at ten sharp."

At their teary faces, I couldn't help but feel bad. I open my arms and they all run in as we hug.

Not many days after, I'm talking with Kakashi the details of the wedding. We want to have it before Naruto leaves with the perverted toad sage, a.k.a. Jiraya, so that Naruto won't feel left out.

I still can't figure out if I want to wear a dress since I'm not a big fan of it. I've always hated dresses, but I have been... considering wearing a dress since it will be the ONLY time I do so.

However, it will have to be a cream color, no white. I feel like that color is too plain and it just doesn't suit me. Maybe I'll wear silver, yep definitely silver. I gasped out loud.

Kakashi looked to me and spoke up, "what is it?" He asked worried.

I smiled in his direction catching him off guard. "Just got a brilliant idea for clothes." I stood up and have him a quick kiss. "I need to talk to Kurenai and maybe Ino, ah but I will drag Sakura along as well. Bye, love."

I ran out leaving a slightly confused Kakashi behind. On the way I was thinking of the dress I would wear. Silver lace covering a white silk underneath or vise versa, and I would need their help in ideas for it along with mailing the dress.

Time skip

Turns out, they absolutely loved my idea and we spent a couple months just designing it. It is the night after my wedding and let me tell you it was perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.

I just hope I can stay happy for a while longer. I was sitting at my desk going over the mission I've had for some time now. "Reaper-sama, just who are you. You're still a mystery." Poor child, she would have to be the same age as Naruto now.

Only, what I never expected was that she was under my nose the entire time. The reaper everyone fears has been living in Konoha for years under the name Sune. Sune Yuukiaura, a child who was adopted by none other than Kisame Hoshigaki, and has been in my house several times. I never knew I would have already met the reaper as I saw her as my own daughter.

What will the future hold? Will I ever learn the truth behind the reaper? Will Naruto be able to save her? Will we be able to forgive Sune? Or will we stay blinded of the true threat, her old friend?

The prophecy child and the legend of the void will clash, but when? Or has it already happened?

Find out in The Void Master.

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