twenty four

245 6 4

Warning. Sexual content in chapter. Mature audiences only. Not that any of you will listen, but hey, a warning is needed.

Sataki pov

Kakashi and I were on our way to his place and I noticed he kept subconsciously bringing his hand to his vest. I wonder what he could be itching to grab from there?

I decided to let it go as we walked up the steps. Kakashi grabbed his keys from his pocket unlocking the door.

We walked in and I walked to the couch as he started making coffee in the kitchen. I closed my eyes listening to him humming a song I had gotten into. (A/n the song is in the video. It's called heroes, and the video is a previous Hokage tribute.)

I fell into a trance listening that I didn't realize he was standing in front of me until after he put the coffee on the table and he pulled me into an embrace. It was then I snapped out of it, although he was still humming the song. Of course he would know it was the song.

I realized he didn't have his mask on and he leaned forward his forehead touching my own. I started humming the song too causing him to smile.

He brought his lips to mine kissing me slowly.

Passionately kissing me, he licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. I obliged fighting for dominance. Our tongues danced while he ran his hand through my hair grabbing a handful deepening the kiss. I let him win as I ran my hand up his somehow bare chest.

My lungs begged for air but I tried to ignore it. He reluctantly broke the kiss as we both needed air. We stood panting for a few more seconds until he kissed my jawline up to me ear. He began nibbling on my ear as I brought one hand to run through his hair the other now on his shoulder. I gasped when he bit gently on my earlobe sucking.

He stops only to kiss me again full force. He picks me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. Coffee forgotten he carries me to his room slamming the door closed with his foot.

He gently leans on the bed still holding onto me. We break the kiss only to take off our shirts as he turns to kiss my neck. He kisses downward until he hears me gasp.

Time skip...

We lay in each other's arms still sweaty but neither wanted to move. I realised Kakashi had his flak jacket close to the bed as he absent mindedly drew circles on my lower back. He kissed my forehead and leaned his cheek on my head.

"I love you, you know that Sataki?" He said after a while of cuddling.

"I love you too, Kakashi." I then looked over at his jacket.

He turned his attention to what I was looking at and I noticed a smile crept onto his face. He grabbed his jacket and handed it to me.

"What is this about, kakashi?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Why don't you look?" He had a thoughtful look on his face as I grabbed what appeared to be a darker velvet box. "I'm not the best when it comes down these things, you know that. I just don't know how to ask it and-"

I cut him off pulling him into a deep passionate kiss. He didn't hesitate to kiss me back. When we parted for air, I spoke, "Of course I will, Kakashi." And he smiled his famous smile pulling me close wrapping both his arms around me. Pulling me on top we kissed.

I'm engaged to the Kakashi fucking Hatake!!! I couldn't be happier. I thought while we cuddled more the engagement ring on my left hand.

Fully conscious of the sweat on Kakashi and myself, I went to get up but only to have Kakashi tighten his hold on me. "No, stay." He whined but managed to make it sound sexy.

"We are covered in sweat and in desperate need of a shower" I tried to reason.

He raised a brow. "You wanna go together?"

I blushed madly and shook my head. "No, you perv! Once is enough for me." I said knowing he would blush. Which he did.

Time skip

After we took our showers separately, I decided that I was gonna sit in the living room. It was then, that I noticed the untouched coffee and gave a small whimper as I was actually looking forward to drinking it.

"You okay?" Came a worried voice belonging only to Kakashi.

I snapped out of my daze looking in his direction. I gave him a curt nod explaining that I had just remembered the coffee.

"Well, we did leave them untouched, so, let's just make another" he said walking to the coffee pot.

"By the way, remember that day when we suddenly started talking again?" I asked out of the blue.

He froze, a spoon full of coffee grinds mid scoop spilling all over.

"You okay?" I asked getting up to grab the broom.

"Yeah, I'm okay. But to answer your question, yes I remember. Why?"

I was sweeping the spilled coffee grinds as Kakashi grabbed the dust pan. "It's just Guy mentioned that you were back in town. Exactly where were you those ten years?"

I bent down holding the dust pan so I could sweep the grinds into the dust pan as he spoke. "Couldn't find a way to keep you out of my head, honestly. So I was constantly taking missions to keep myself busy. I mean, how does one say anything after what you went through, you know?"

"We" I spoke.

He hummed in question.

"What 'we' went through. They were like your second family Kakashi. I know it hurt you just as much as it hurt me." I finished sweeping as Kakashi stood up and poured the unused grinds in the trash.

"Yeah, we have been through a lot, haven't we." He more so stated than asked.

"Yes we have." I finished. We fell into a comfortable silence after that until Kakashi spoke up again.

"Also, you do realize you have been cleared to be a sensei again, right?"

I gasped. I completely forgot. I need to tell Tsunade my answer for that. Sorry, love, looks like I'll be bragging sooner rather than later." I said running as Kakashi began laughing. Gosh, it's gorgeous.

I'll also need to tell, Zakrai, Sophie and Leslie the good news too. I thought smiling the whole way to lady Hokage's office.

It has been too long since I have updated. I am terribly sorry. I haven't been logged into this account in a while and I am so sorry for it. I am however, thankful for those who are still reading. I luv u!!!!


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