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Sataki pov

I stirred in my sleep. A sure sign that someone is watching. I tightened my focus so I could sense who it is causing my nerves to go on high alert.

I could feel Kakashi tighten his arm around me as I began to move a little. I fluttered my eyes open to realize that he had his face buried in the crook of my neck.

The sun has yet to rise and I smiled as I turned my head to the side to see that Sasuke was asleep. But what woke me up? I was a little confused so I brought my free hand up to his shoulder giving him a firm grasp.

I gave Kakashi a little shake. He groaned in annoyance. Well, he wasn't waking up, so I decided to sense whose chakra was there now that I'm awake. Gaara? I opened the link.

"Gaara, why are you at the Hokage mountain?" I asked a little concerned. I mean, what if he was here to kill Sasuke.

"How did you know I was heading up there?" I could actually hear the shock in his words. That's good. It means he is learning to to not speak in monotone.

"I can sense you, on top of that I'm currently up there with Kakashi and Sasuke."

He sighed. "Makes sense, I guess." He said back in his monotone voice. I sweat dropped. Spoke too soon, I suppose.

"You didn't answer my question, Gaara." I demanded to know the real reason. I know they are permitted to do research on their opponents, but I was not gonna have Gaara get that advantage. Plus, this is my way of helping him hide his presence.

"I wanted to scope out the competition."

I didn't give him room to answer. "Not happening. Remember, you have to keep him in check. It won't help if you let him want the blood lust." I said firmly.

There was a long pause before he spoke. "You're right, Sataki-San, but I was ordered to check him out."

"Then tell them he was sleeping when you got there, literally he is sleeping and so is Kakashi. You being here has woken me up." I was getting a little annoyed.

"But, I'm not even at the mountain yet. I'm at the foot of it." He complained.

"Then it's a good thing I can saved you a trip." I said matter of factly.

"Yeah, I guess. I'll tell them what you said. See you at the final exam." I could tell he was upset he sounded defeated.

"See you at the final exam."

And with that, we shut the link off. I looked back to Kakashi who was staring intensely at me. "What was that about?" He asked his voice raspy from sleep.

"Gaara was heading this way. I tried waking you up but it looked like you wouldn't wake anytime soon, so I just linked him." I explained trying to keep my voice low.

"And," he urged for details.

"And," I said enthusiastically. "He was ordered to scout the competition. I told him to tell them he was asleep. He agreed to it and in doing so I saved him a trip." I explained my voice a little louder. I paused to look in Sasuke's direction making sure I didn't wake him up.

Kakashi moves a little as I noted that Sasuke is still sleeping. Kakashi had his head on my chest as he listened. "Exactly how far away did you sense him from?" He asked picking his head up a bit. I noticed he didn't have his headband on but his eye was closed.

"He was at the foot of the mountain with his two teammates." I said giving him a small smile. He widened his one eye in surprise. The eye with the Sharingan still closed as I brought my hand up to touch the scar over it.

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