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(A/N: I wanna thank all of my lovely readers for I have reached 1.54 k views. Like you don't even know how happy this makes me. Keep reading and I hope you continue to enjoy. ^~^)

Sataki pov

We were currently at the arena where Sasuke was to fight Gaara. While we were on high alert, I noticed that one of the enemy disguised themselves as an Anbu members and linked the information to Lord Third and Kakashi.

We were prepared for when the sand shinobi would attack, but I couldn't help but wonder how Obito and Itachi were going to help out.

Time skip to the battle

Kakashi pov

Sataki was right, one of the enemy did disguise themself as Anbu, and now we are currently fighting. But something doesn't feel right. I told Sakura to wake Naruto and Shikamaru up so they could go after Gaara and Sasuke, but something is eating away at me. Where does the archer come into play?

Suddenly, two people using a transformation jutsu started helping out of nowhere. They must be Obito and Itachi, I thought. We were all fighting sand shinobi, but I couldn't find Sataki. I started to look frantically for her, all the while fighting.

Sataki pov

I was fighting sand ninja left and right. It almost looked as if they were keeping me away from the others, but why? I then notice an arrow whiz past me. Shit! So that's how he is a part of this. He's using the betrayal to kidnap me.

Another arrow came towards me, but I catch it inches from my face. I take a look at the archer, his eyes crazed, and glazed over. I watch him as he pulls another arrow from his back. I snap the one I have in my hand in two.

The arrows are glazed in white snake blood. If I breathe that stuff in, I'll be paralyzed and unable to fight back. I use the familiar hand signs causing my chakra fused rose petals to come off of me in huge numbers. I use more and signs and yell, "wind and fire style: flaming petal chain reaction!" The petals burst and blow up as a domino effect.

He then uses hand signs. How? Wait, so he is a ninja. He uses mud wall. As soon as the explosions was over, he did more hand signs and spewed water in my direction.

More hand signs from me using the remaining petals "wind style: petal barrier!" The petals sharpened as I stopped the water. I followed up by coming in close using warrior's morale fighting him in taijutsu. He struck for my face, but I maneuvered his fist to the side. He then struck a kick towards my side which once more I moved to where it missed by inching from my torso.

Then I followed up with a back hit with my arm to his neck causing him to gasp for air. I picked my foot up to kick him but I felt something pinch the back of my neck before passing out.

Kakashi pov

I'm still worrying about Sataki since she is still no where to be found, but I got Sakura to wake up Naruto and Shikamaru, even if he was only sleeping. Damn Nara, always quick to be lazy. Anyway, I got those three and Pakkun to go after Sasuke. But then one of the sand ninja says to a sound ninja, "the client has been given his drug."

From the way they they said it, they're talking about the archer and... "Sataki!"

Sataki pov

Where am I? What happened? The last thing I remember was seeing Oorochimaru fighting Lord Third. I was running to help fight and I remember fighting the archer but there was a stinging in my neck. Then everything blacked out. I black out once more.

It's cold. And damp. The ground feels, sticky. Why can't I open my eyes. Something has to have happened. Wait! It can't be, was I? The archer! Suddenly I was able to open my eyes. There he is. His hair is longer, and his eyes look crazed. He has this look that screams you're mine. I don't like it.

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