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Mady's POV
"I think we should take a break. Not break off the engagement, just take a break for a couple of weeks. You go back to LA and stay with bob and I will fly Kara and her family out to stay with me so I'm not alone with Adley. And speaking of, I will keep you updated on her, let you FaceTime when you feel it needed."
I turn around to walk back upstairs when I feel a hand grab my wrist and turn me back around.
"I'm not leaving you"
"It's not a question Kian you are going back to LA."
"No I'm not Madelynn, we have a 3 month old daughter and I don't want to miss a thing. We have a wedding to plan and you can't do all this by yourself or even with Kara, you need her father, and that's what I am, so no, I'm not going back to LA, sorry to crash the party"
I melt inside hoping that's what he would have said. I didn't want him to leave. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. He is taken aback at first then he grabs my thighs and hoists me up, he spins us around in a circle before sitting me down as kissing me with more passion than ever.

 He is taken aback at first then he grabs my thighs and hoists me up, he spins us around in a circle before sitting me down as kissing me with more passion than ever

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We leave the house around 10:30, grab brunch then go to pick up Adley. When we walk into Kian's Parent's living room and when Adley sees us she smile so big and starts to giggle. I walk over and grab her from his mom.
"Thank you so much Mrs.Lawley, it really helped"
"Your welcome darling, anything to keep my boy happy"
I hug her and grab Adley's bag. We walk out to the at while Kian finishes thanking his mom and I buckle Adley into her seat. I get into the front seat on the passenger side and look back at my baby. She has already dozed off. When I turn back around Kian is walking out the door and heading towards the car.
When he gets in he looks at me and chuckles a little. "What?" I ask, confused on why he is laughing.
"Babe, you have known her for yeeeaaars and you still call her 'Mrs.Lawley' we are getting married you can call her by her name."
" I know but it's still weird, maybe when we get married I'll call her mom" I joke.
  "I think she'd like that"
  We drove to Target in the next town over cause we need some essentials. It's a 20 minute drive but I don't mind.
  Adley fell asleep on the way there and Kian and I listened to music quietly on the radio.
  When we arrived at the store I got out of the car to head over to Adley's side but Kian had already gotten her out. We hurried inside because it was a bit colder outside and we don't want Ads getting sick.
  When we get in side Kian gets into the diaper bag and grabs out the carrier thing. I hold Adley for him while he puts it in then help him get her in the carrier.
I smile at the sight of Kian holding our baby in her little pouch. He smiles back at me and I head over to grab a cart. We walk around the store and grab all the things we need. Such as diapers, formula, baby food, or anything that pertains to babies. Then we grabbed some adult food.
I decided to buy a few outfits for Adley cause why not. Kian got a book for himself and we checked out.
When we arrive at home Kian helps bring everything in, then takes Adley upstairs to change her and get her ready to be fed.
I put everything away and carry Adley's clothes up to her room with me. When I arrive at the door I hear Kian talking to her.
"You are so perfect. I love you some much princess, I know you don't understand me but one day you will and I will tell you over and over again"
I tear up a little at how much love Kian has for our daughter. I had always believed that he would be a great dad and most days he proves himself right.
I crack open the door and slowly push it open.
"Look baby it's mommy, say 'Hi mommy' "
I smile at my baby and walk over to grab her from Kian. I lift her up so she is at eye level with me. "Are you ready to eat? I bet you are starving"
In response she makes little baby noises and smiles. She started smiling a couple months ago and it is the cutest thing.
Kian walks out of the room and goes to do whatever. I situate Adley and grab my book from the stand. I read until she is done. When she is done I burp her then turn on the TV that we have in her room. We, well I mostly, catch up on "The Voice" and a few other shows. I end up falling asleep after a few episodes of different shows.
Kian comes up 2 hours later and wakes me up. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. I lift Adley up of my chest, trying not to wake her, and lay her in her crib. I grab the second monitor and carry it downstairs with me so that I will be able to hear her.
  When I get downstairs Kian is sitting in the couch watching TV. I grab my laptop from the desk in the living room and join Kian.
  "Ya huh?"
  "We need to start planning our wedding"
  He chuckles and replies, "Kinda forgot about that"
  I smile. His laugh is adorable and the guilty look on his face is even better.
  I pull up a doc and start to take notes on things. We start to think about dates and we eventually decide on 1 after 5 minutes. Then we start to research other things.
  I find a website that makes save the dates and invites and we designed them how we saw perfect and had them ordered.
  It felt really nice to finally make moves on the wedding, maybe that will help us with our recent problem and getting over it.

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