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I wake up in the middle of the night to Adley crying on the monitor, then I hear Kian already in there comforting her.
"Shh baby, it's okay, oh it's okay"
I smile slightly at the words I hear and sit up out of our bed. I wrap my robe around me and make my way to Adley's room.
I open the door slowly and walk over to my fiancé and our baby. I smile at him, thanking him silently for getting her. He sits her in my arms and I sit down on the feeding chair, deciding it probably time.
"Baby, I just fed her and changed her, I don't know why she's crying" Kian explains. I give him a confused look and he shrugs his shoulder. I rest my lips on Ads' head and she feels extremely warm.
I look up at Kian with a worried look on my face. I don't know what to do with a sick baby. I didn't read about it.
I stand up and try to calm her down cause she is still screaming and is clearly uncomfortable.
I start to stress out because I don't know how to make her stop and I start to cry too. Kian looks up at us and chuckles a little. I realize how crazy it probably looks that I'm holding a screaming baby and also crying, and I chuckle too.
I walk into the bathroom, still lugging along Adley, and run warm water in her bath. I make sure the temperatures right and undress her and set her in.
When she first hits the water she is crying but once she has sat for a second, she is fine.
I take a deep breath and calm myself down. I decide to wash her down because why would I just sit her in the bath.
After I'm all done I wrap her in her towel and take her to her room. Kian puts a clean diaper on her and changed her into clean PJs. I walk out of her room to grab my phone and when I come back I can hear Kian singing to her to keep her calm. Since I have my phone I secretly record a bit of it from the slightly opened door and then walk in. I sit down on the floor and call my mom.
She answers after a couple rings.
"Adley has a temperature and we have no clue what to do with her, like how do we make it go away."
  "Oh babe, wrap her up and bring her over, bring her formula and a couple extra pairs of jammies"
  I let her know that I will and have Kian start packing her diaper bag while I bundle her up.
  I slip her into her car seat after she is all bundled up and carry her downstairs. I slip on my boots and coat and head out the door.
I turn around and see my fiancée calling for me.
"Where are you going?"
"My mother's house idiot"
"Aren't you forgetting something"
I go over everything that I brought in my head and don't think I have forgotten anything.
I look up at him confused. He holds up the car keys and dangles then around.
"Babe, I think you might need your keys and I don't know maybe your child's father"
I mentally slap myself and snap out of it. How could I forget Kian.
I set Adley in the backseat and join Kian in the front seat.
  We pull up to my moms house and we are greeted by the goddess herself.
She walks over I the car and grabs Adley out of the back. Kian and I hurry to follow her inside and meet up in the Living room with her.
"Mady, Love, I'm going to need you to get me the thermometer out of the bathroom and Kian I need you to go upstairs and in Mady's old room is her baby stuff. Grab the bouncy thing and the box in the middle of her floor"
  We both race to do what my mother had told us. I came back with the thermometer and grabbed Adley from my mom. She slipped the device underneath Adley's underarm.
  After a few moments it beeped and my mom checked the temperature. She flinched at the temperature and then hid the device from me.
  "What was it momma?"
  "Not to worry child, she will be better soon."
  I just nod trusting my mom. Kian comes down the stairs with everything he was told to grab and sits in in the middle of the floor.
  Carefully I stand up and then join Kian on the floor with Adley on my lap. Without having to ask her, my mom hands me little carrier we have for Addy and I put it on and slip her in.
  We open the box and are welcomed by my childhood. There are so many pictures and beanie babies in the box. Along with old bibs and other things.
  I pull a few things out and admire them. First is my old baby blanket. Then I pull out a bib that says "this is my first Christmas '92" I smile and set it off to the side. Then I grab a stack of baby pictures and flip through them. Several are of me in the sink having a bath.
  Before I realize it I am calm again and Ads is asleep. I look up at my mother and Kian and wonder how she is such a good mom.
  I pull out my phone, snap a pic of my mom and Kian and then pull up the pediatrician's number. We make an appointment for this morning at 8:30, it 6:30 now. I inform my mom and Kian of the appointment and then decide to take a nap. I take Adley with me and put her in the rocker thing that is in the room. I set an alarm for an hour later and doze off.
I wake up and shut off the alarm. I look down at Adley and her face scrunches all up and then she starts to scream. I should r know the alarm would've have woken her up. I make my way to her rocker and pick her up.
  "You'll be okay baby, momma's got you."
  I bounce her up and down to calm her down and then walk downstairs.
  *2 hours later*
  We walk into our house and put Adley away in the crib. The said she just had the common cold and that it should pass soon.
  Kian and I go back to our room and climb in bed together. We face each other on our sides and he rests his arm across my waist. I lean over and set a small kiss on his lips. After I pull away I lay my head down and fall asleep.

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