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Not knowing what else to do with the strange girl Dinah decided to bring Lauren inside with her. "Uh I'm not sure if they have these on your planet but this is a recording studio and I work here. Well I'm writing right now but still." She said.

Lauren giggled "recording studio? Like for music right?" Dinah nodded "yeah." She replied. "Yeah we have them on Olton." Lauren said. "In fact I own one! It is pretty amazing." Dinah was now intrigued. "So you have music? Do you sing?" She asked.

Lauren nodded happily. "Yes I do. I have been singing since I was tulo ka tuig ang panuigon." She said. Dinah furrows her eyebrows at the strange language that Lauren just spoke. "Since you were what?" She asked.

Lauren giggled "tulo ka tuig ang panuigon or in translation three years old." She said. "I am sorry. I am just so used to speaking in both my native tongue and english. My apologies." Dinah quickly shook her head. "No no it's fine. I just didn't understand." She said. "You don't need to apologize. It's pretty cool actually."

Lauren smiled "aw thank you Dinah Jane." She said. Dinah nodded "you're welcome Lauren." She said. "So does everyone on your planet have blacked out eyes?" Lauren quickly changed her eyes back to her normal emerald green color before shaking her head. "No we have regular eyes like you guys. The black out happens when we are scared, stressed or nervous." She explains.

"And which one are you?" Dinah asked.

Lauren sighs "scared. I have no idea what is happening to my planet. I am not there to protect my people and that is terrifying." She says. Dinah felt really bad for the girl and she knew that this was against her better judgement but she needed to do it. "Since you're new here and know absolutely nobody would you maybe like to stay with me?" She asked.

Lauren smiled "like a Mga partido sa pagkatulog," she shook her head and quickly corrected herself. "Uh what I mean to say is; like sleepover parties?" She asked. Dinah laughed softly. "Yeah like that." She said. Lauren smiled "great I am in."


Arriving back to her apartment Dinah unlocked the door and walked inside. "This is my place. It's kind of mess because I let my sister house sit for me while I was on tour and she threw many parties here. So I am sorry." She said.

Flashing her eyes from green to pink Lauren grinned widely as she ran around the pretty big apartment. "Wow this place is huge! It is almost as big as my closet back home." She gushed. "This is incredible!"

Dinah couldn't help but think that Lauren was probably the most adorable person she has ever met. "You're adorable Lauren." She said. Lauren blushed "aw thank you. That is really sweet." She said. Dinah nods "so you can sleep in any guest room you want." She says. Lauren couldn't control herself and quickly hugged the taller girl. "Thank you! Thank you so much Dinah Jane!" She said. Although she was shocked by the girl's affection that didn't stop Dinah from hugging her back. "You're welcome."

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