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Waking up the next morning Lauren wasn't feeling good at all. She was very sick and she didn't understand why. "Dinah I do not feel good." Her voice was horse as she spoke. Fluttering her eyes opened Dinah looked over at her and felt her forehead. "Aw baby you're burning up." She said. "I'll be back I'm going to get you cold medicine and soup." Lauren nodded as she snuggled with the Nala doll that Dinah gave her and waited patiently for the blonde to return.

Walking around the store Dinah smiled and waved to fans who spotted her as she was shopping for Lauren. Even though she didn't stop to take pictures she made sure to show the fans that she still cared. She could never pass by a fan and not say hi. She loved her fans and made sure to show that every single day.

Walking inside the hotel room Dinah saw Normani and Ally whispering to each other. "Hey guys. What's up?" She asked. Normani and Ally looked over at her a d frowned. "DJ I just took Lauren's temperature and she's extremely hot." Ally says.

"Yeah I know. That's why I went out to get her medicine and soup." Dinah was confused.

Ally shakes her head. "No I mean she's burning up. She a hundred and twenty degrees!" She exclaims. Dinah knew she should panic but she had to keep calm. "Mani you're like Lauren. What should we do?" She asked. "Since she is different from us you have to give her three times the amount of cold medicine you would give a regular human being." Normani informs. Dinah nodded as she got three pills out and a glass of water for Lauren.

"Baby are you up?"

Hearing her voice had Lauren looking up and smiling a little. "Hello Dinah." She said in a horse voice. Dinah gave her a small grin. "Here baby take these and I'll go make you some soup." She says. Lauren nodded as she swallowed all three pills and drank all of the water before snuggling up with Nala against. Dinah kissed the top of her head before going to make her soup.

"Mani, babe I really think we should take her to the hospital! Her temperature isn't normal!"

"Allyson they won't be able to do anything for her. She's like me, she's an alien. There's nothing they can do for her."

"So we just have to sit here and do nothing! What if she gets worse?"

"She won't. Oltronians don't get sick often and when they do they're usually better by the end of the day."

Dinah watched as Normani held Ally and her arms and comforted her. With a small grin she headed off to go make the soup for Lauren. Having this happen made her realize just how little she knows about Lauren and her people. She needed to know more.


Sitting on the bus Dinah had her laptop out as she did research on Lauren's people. Much to her surprise there were several blogs dedicated to Oltron and its people. Most were about their culture and the type of people they were, most of which she already knew, but there was one completely dedicated to the health of them and what to do if they got sick. It was exactly what Normani told her to do.

"So when were you going to tell me about these blogs?" She asked.

Normani sighs "later rather than sooner because I didn't want you to get mad, but then Lo got sick and I thought the blog could help." She explains. "How did you find this?" Dinah asked. "Through Zendaya. She used to live on Oltron because her parents sold her to be a slave, but since that's not there way she lived there as a guest of the planet and studied them," Normani sighed. "She didn't do this blog to trash them she just wanted to get her information out there since no one really knew about them. She was just trying to help." She said.

"But if she lived with Lauren then how was she here years before Lauren's planet was under attack?"

Normani ran her fingers through her hair and exhaled slowly. "After getting everything she needed and learning so much about them she left. She packed up her things and flew to earth where she knew she could share her information." She explained. Dinah nodded "is that why she was shocked to see Lauren?"

Normani hums "yeah, she was scared Lauren would hate her or be angry when she saw her but she wasn't. Lauren and her people don't hold grudges." She says. "Does Lauren know any of this?" Dinah asked. "We talked and I showed her the blog. She didn't seem upset." Normani informed. Dinah nods "cool."

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