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"She really said that?" Dinah asked.

Normani nodded as she smiles happily. "Yeah I just asked her and she got super happy and just started talking about how much she loves marriage and she couldn't wait to get married. Also she can only see herself marring you because she loves you." She summarized.

Dinah's face turned red as a smile grew on her face and without saying anything she ran out and towards the first cab she could get. She knew what she was doing was a little rash and out there but she needed to it. It felt right to her.

Sitting in the middle of the floor in the hotel room Lauren had the locket on her charm bracelet opened and a hologram of the first in command was on the screen. "What do you mean war?" She asked.

"What I mean princess is they, the Viltorie, are planning on taking over our planet and every alliance that we have."

Lauren's face fell as she ran her fingers through her hair. "So what are we going to do?" She asked. "We need you to come home princess." The first in command said. Looking up with sad eyes Lauren knew exactly what she had to do and it broke her heart because she was leaving behind the greatest thing she has ever loved. Dinah.

Walking back into the room where Dinah was Lauren frowns. "Dinah can we talk please?" She asked. Dinah nods "of course babe. What's up?" Taking a seat next to the blonde tears flood Lauren's eyes as she looks at the girl she loves so much. "The Viltorie have waged a war on Olton and I have to go back to fight for them. They need me and I can not let them down." She said.

Dinah looks at her. "Wait does that mean I'll never see you again?" She asked. Lauren shrugs "I am really not sure. I do not know what the future will hold for us but please do not give up hope." She tells her. Dinah gulps "can I come with you?" She asked. Lauren bit her lip as she read Dinah and even though it was against her better judgement she agreed. "Of course."

Locating where her pod was and surprisingly it hadn't been touched Lauren moved quickly as she took out the tools that Dinah let her borrow. Sitting inside she made herself smaller as she fixed the control panel. Completely redoing the wires Lauren smiled when it lit up. Going back to normal she turns to Dinah. "Are you ready?" She asked. Dinah nodded happily as she jumped and sat next to Lauren. Oh this should be fun.

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