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Lauren was standing backstage watching with hearts in her eyes as Dinah performed on stage. It was no lie that Dinah's voice was undeniably amazing and they way she performs on stage could capture anyone's attention. She was incredible!

"Lo I hate to be that person but your gem is flashing pink." Normani whispers.

Lauren looked down and quickly covered it with her hand. "I am sorry. It does that sometimes." She muttered shyly. Normani looked at her with a known smirk. "You really are in love with her, aren't you?" She asked. Lauren chuckled "is it that obvious?"

Normani nodded "it's very obvious! Lo we all see how you look at her. You're so in love with her it's actually adorable." She giggled. "Have you told her?" Lauren's face turned red and she quickly shook her head. "Oh my no! I am too shy and scared that she will not feel the same way." She says. "With the way she looks at you and talks about you Dinah definitely feels the same way." Normani says. Lauren's big green eyes looked up at Normani. "Really?" She asked. Normani smiles "really!"

Saying goodbye to her fans Dinah quickly ran off stage and immediately headed towards her dressing room where Lauren was. "So how did you like the show?" She asked.

Lauren smiled up at her as she wrapped her arms around Dinah. "Oh it was fantastic! You did amazing baby!" She gushed happily, kissing her cheek softly. Dinah blushed "aw thank you babe!" She said, gently kissing the top of her head. "So now what do we do?" Lauren asked. Dinah shrugs "whatever you want sweetheart." She says. Lauren smiled widely as her eyes lit up and without saying anything she drugs Dinah out of the room. This should be fun.

"Wow I did not know you could run that fast." Dinah chuckles.

Lauren smiled as she took her coat off and hung it over a chair. "Well I wanted to get her fast because I wanted us to have some...alone time together." She whispered, gently wrapping her arms around Dinah's neck. Dinah leans down and gently kissed her as she pushed her down on the bed. "Are you sure about this?" She asked. Lauren gave her a gentle kiss on her lips before pulling away and smiling up at her. "I am more than sure about this."


Standing in front of the mirror Dinah was studying the heart shaped mark on her neck. It was no bigger than five centimeters and it was a plum pink color. "So what does this mark mean again?" She asked.

Lauren nervously played with her fingers. "During our time together last night I guess I got too excited and accidentally marked you. Meaning that you are now my mate." She explains.

Dinah looks back at her. "But I thought that I was already yours?" She questioned. Lauren nods "you are! It is just now it is official! On my planet when you mark someone that means that you want to be with them forever. My parents marked each other on their first time." She informs. Dinah blushed furiously as she looked at Lauren through the mirror. "Does that mean that you want to be with me...forever?" She asked. Lauren smiles "yeah, I do."

Since no besides Ally and Normani knew about Lauren being an alien Dinah had to come up with a story about the mark on her neck. Since it looked like a small tattoo she decided to go with that. It made it easier to explain. "Is it ok if I say I got a tattoo?" She asked.

Lauren tilts her head. "What is a tattoo?" She asked. Dinah chuckles "a tattoo is like a permanent drawing on your skin." She explains. Lauren nods "oh I understand." She says. Dinah smiled "come on beautiful let's go meet up with Normally." She said. Lauren's eyes lit up. "Ok!"

Sitting in dance rehearsal Lauren watched as Dinah practiced her routine with Normani. She wasn't exactly sure what dancing was but it looked fun and she wanted to try it. Watching them closely she studied every move they did to make sure that it was perfect for when she tried it on her own. This was going to be fun.

After the girls left for a short break Lauren decided to stay back and practice what she saw Dinah and Normani do. Taking a deep breath she began from the beginning and did things just as she remembered seeing Dinah do them. Hopefully it was right.

Heading back to the dance room because she forgot her phone Dinah stop in the doorway when she saw Lauren dancing. For someone who wasn't a trained dancer the girl did pretty well for her first time. "That was pretty good babe." She comments.

Lauren quickly turned around and smiled. "Do you really think so?" She asked. Dinah nodded "yeah babe! You did so good." She praised. Lauren blushed as she wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck. "I am glad that you think so because I was trying very hard to remember the order." She said. Dinah kissed the top of her head. "You were great."

A/N: before this story finishes up I would like to know if you guys would like a squeal to this story?

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