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It was six thirty in the morning and Lauren was woken up by a loud blaring noise and she had no idea what it was and that freaked her out. "Dinah please wake up! I think something is wrong!" She said nervously.

Dinah groaned but turned over and quickly shut off her alarm. "Lo, babe what's wrong?" She asked tiredly. Lauren blushed a little at the random pet name. "Uh that thing on your night stand was making a scary noise and I did not know what it was. I got scared DJ." She confessed shyly.

Dinah thought it was absolutely adorable how shy Lauren got just now. "Aw Lo you don't have to be scared. I promise my alarm clock won't hurt you." She said. Lauren nodded as she mindlessly snuggled into the taller girl. "So what are we doing today? Are we going to the studio again?" She asked.

Before Dinah could reply she got a text message from Normani. "Uh actually we're meeting Normani in -" she was cut off by a knock on the door. "About now." She mumbled as she sat up and walked to go answer the door.

"Hey Mans are you ok?" Dinah asked softly.

Normani shrugged "uh is Lauren awake?" She asked. "Because I really need to talk to her." Dinah nodded "yeah she's in the bedroom." She answered. Without saying anything she ran off to the bedroom and opened the door. "Did you say anything to Allyson yesterday?" Normani asked harshly.

Lauren shook her head. "No I did not." She replies. "Why do you ask?" Normani huffed "because Allyson came by my apartment yesterday and before kissing me she asked me on a date." Lauren eyes lit up. "Aw what did you say?" She asked.

"I said no because I specifically told you not to tell her anything and you did! You broke your promise." Normani said.

Lauren's face fell. "I did not tell her anything. She told us something and I told her to basically follow her heart. She did and you shut her down." She says. "So when she said that she liked me and kissed me it was because she...liked me?" Normani asked softly. Lauren nodded "yes she does Normani." She answered back just as softly. Without saying anything Normani bolted for the door and left, without so much as a goodbye.

Dinah looked at Lauren who emerged from the bedroom. "Is she ok?" She asked. Lauren nods "yes she is fine. She is going to fix things with Ally." She said. "Which will go well." Dinah looked at her. "How do you know that?" Lauren smiled "future vision." She replied. Dinah nodded "that's really interesting."


Lauren was sitting in the studio with her knees hugged tightly to her chest as she watched Dinah sing one of the songs she wrote a few days ago. The girl sounded absolutely amazing.

"I think I owe you an apology." Normani said quietly.

Lauren smiled up at her. "It is fine. I knew everything would work out for you." She said. Normani furrowed her eyebrows until she remembered who Lauren was. "Future vision. I almost forgot." She said with a short giggle. Lauren giggled back slightly before settling down. "So I hope I am not too forward, but why are you on earth?" She asked quietly. "I thought your people were doing well?"

Normani sighs "we were until the Viltorie came. You know how they are Lo and when they came they destroyed everything on my planet. My family and I got as many people to safety as we could before they started killing my people." She said. Lauren's eyes turned dark blue as she looked at Normani. "That is exactly what is happening to Oltron. They came and started destroying everything and my parents got as many of the young generation to safety as they could. I am not sure if anyone else is with me but as long as they are no were near Oltron they are fine." She says.

Normani smiled softly at they fact that her and Lauren had a lot more in common than she originally had thought. "Is it weird being on earth? Like was it hard to get used to?" She asked. Lauren shook her head. "No it was weird at first but Dinah really helped me out. She is so sweet." She gushed softly.

Normani raised an eyebrow at her. "You have feelings for her, don't you." She voiced. Lauren nodded "labaw pa kay sa bisan unsang butang. (More than anything else.)" She said. Normani smiles "then why don't you tell her?" She questions.

Lauren shrunk a little as she pushed herself further into the corner of the couch. "Because we have not know each other for that long. It would be crazy to become more than friends right now." She said. "So? I don't think that should stop you from taking her on at least one date." Normani says.

Lauren blushed in embarrassment at what Normani just said. "I have never taken anyone on a date before." She confessed shyly. Normani didn't mean to chuckle but she couldn't help it. "Lauren you're a princess how couldn't you have taken anyone on a date before?" She asked.

"Like you said I am a princess. I do not take people on dates they take me on dates." Lauren says.

Normani giggled and nods in agreement. "That's true but Lo you don't have to be nervous. Just take her somewhere fun and I guarantee that she'll have a good time." She says. Lauren sighed as she ran her hand through her hair. "I really hope you are right about this."

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