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With three weeks into the tour it was time for a short break which meant Dinah could head back to California and visit her family. "Lo, babe I promise my family is going to love you." She said as she wrapped her arms around Lauren from behind. Lauren hums "are you sure because I still feel like I do not fit in with the people of earth." She admitted.

Smoothing her hands down to the girl's hips Dinah made Lauren face her. "My family is very supportive of anyone I bring home. Yeah you're probably the most different girl I have ever brought home but once we tell them they'll understand and they'll love you." She says. Looking deep into her big brown eyes and seeing nothing but love Lauren smiled at her. "Ok."

After packing up their things Lauren and Dinah headed to the airport. "So where are Mani and Ally going if we are going to meet your family?" Lauren asked curiously. Dinah locked their fingers together. "Probably to meet Ally's parents since this is the first time they're coming out as a couple." She answered. Lauren looked up at her. "Why do they need to come out? Do their parents not already know about them?" She asked. Dinah shrugs "I don't think so and they're coming out because they just want Ally's parents to know that she's in love with a pretty wonderful person." She explains. Lauren nods "that is understandable."

Arriving at a pretty decent sized home Lauren felt her body tense up as she steps out of the car. Taking Dinah's hand in her own she took a few deep breaths as they walked towards the front door. "They're going to love you baby. I promise." Dinah whispers as she gently knocked on the door.

"Hm well if it isn't the popstar. Finally decided to visit your family after you ditched us for months." Her aunt spat.

Dinah was taken aback by her aunt's attitude. This didn't make any sense to her because she has never ditched her family. "Auntie I wasn't ditching you. I was on tour." She reminds her. "Yeah sure you were." Her aunt mumbles as she walked away.

Looking at the blonde Lauren was very confused by the woman's attitude towards Dinah because according to her, her family was loving and very accepting. However the woman was acting the complete opposite and that didn't make sense. This was confusing.

"Uh is mom home?" Dinah asked.

Her aunt rolled her eyes. "She took Seth to the grocery store with her. She'll be back whenever." She spat rudely. Dinah frowned and nods as she led Lauren towards the back of the house where her father was. Lauren looks at her and stopped her from walking. "Dinah, maayo ka? (Are you good?)" She asked softly. Dinah sighed "uh, yeah I'm fine babe. I promise." She said, gently kissing Lauren's forehead. Lauren hummed as she hugs the taller girl. "Well if you are not you can always talk to me baby." She says. Dinah smiles "thanks Lo."

Heading outside Dinah had their hands locked together as they walked over to her dad. "Dad." She calls out softly. The older man turns around and smiles at her. "DJ? I had no idea that you were coming!" Gordon exclaimed as her hugged her. "How are you?" Dinah smiled as she hugs him back. "I'm good," she pulled away as she gently pulled Lauren forward. "Uh dad this is Lauren, my girlfriend." She said as she introduced them.

Lauren looks up and smiled. "Hello." She greets softly. Gordon locked eyes with the green eyed girl and smiles. "It's finally nice to meet the girl in all my daughter's photos." He teased. "It's really nice to meet you." Lauren's smile grew "likewise!"

"Lauren's very beautiful. Where's she from?" Gordon asked.

Dinah played with her food. "Uh just a small island off the coast of Cuba." She muttered. Gordon hums "Dinah I've known you for all twenty-three years of your life and I can tell when you're lying. So, I'll ask again where is she from?" He asked.

Dinah sighs as she ran her fingers through her hair. "She's from a completely different planet. Olton," she played with her fingers as bows her head. "Her planet was invaded and she had to flee as far away from her planet as possible." She explains. "What happens if she has to leave back to her planet?" Gordon asked. Dinah opened her mouth to speak but immediately closed it because she didn't have an answer. She didn't know what happened next. She didn't know.

"Lauren what happens when you have to return to your planet?" Dinah asked quietly.

Lauren tilts her head and smiled. "Nothing. We have a bond and even if I left it would not be for long because I would not be able to stay away from you for a long period of time." She says. Dinah looks up at her and smiles a little. "But what about your family? Won't you miss them?"

Lauren gently grabs her hand as she looks deep into her big brown eyes. "My family will most likely need to find a new home because ours will not be safe to go back to." She says. "So you'll stay here?" Dinah asked, a hopeful tone in her voice. Lauren leans over and gently kissed her. "Yes. Yes I will."


"So what just because you're a mediocre star you think you're better than us or something." Her aunt spat harshly.

Dinah furrowed her eyebrows together as she glanced over at her aunt. "Pardon?" She questions. "What's that supposed to mean?" Her aunt scuffed. "You think just because you make low quality music and go on small tours you think it's ok for you to walk in and out of our lives when ever the hell you please! Get it through your head Dinah Jane you're not as big of a star as you think!"

Dinah blinked back the tears in her eyes and quickly stood up. "You know, I just came here to spend time with my family and introduce everyone to my wonderful girlfriend Lauren," she chuckled bitterly as she shook her head. "Instead I'm being belittled by the people I care about the most. I've been called a lot of things by a lot of people. I just never thought my family would be some of those people." She said disappointedly. Without so much as a glance she stood up with her hand locked with Lauren's and quickly left the house. So much for a good break.

"Wait Dinah slow down! What is wrong babe?" Lauren asked as she stopped Dinah from walking away.

Turning around Dinah had tears in her eyes that made Lauren frown. "Aw baby come here." Dinah wasted no time walking into her girlfriend arms and letting the raven haired girl hold her as she cried. She didn't know much about earth emotions but Lauren did know that the tears in her eyes meant that Dinah was very upset. "Would you like to talk about it?" She asked.

Dinah quickly shook her head. "No can you just please hold me." She whispered quietly. Lauren nodded as she wrapped her arms around the blonde and held her close as Dinah continued to cry her heart out. Lauren didn't know what it was but something deep inside of her ached at the sight of Dinah crying. She felt something inside of her break and she hated it. She hated seeing the girl she was in love with in such pain. It didn't feel good.

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