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Three days has passed since the terrible meeting with her family and Dinah was still down. She was still upset about what her aunt said and she's been second guessing herself about everything she's done since that unfaithful day. She was just feeling super down right now.

"Dinah, are you - are you ok?" Lauren asked carefully.

Dinah nods "of course baby. I'm fine I promise." She said. Lauren frowned at her girlfriend as she moved close to her. "You are lying. Now please tell me what is wrong." She said.

As much as she hated how much Lauren knew her Dinah was pretty happy that the girl knew her so well. "I'm sorry baby. I'm still upset about what happened with my family." She says. "Is there anything that I can do to make you happy?" Lauren asked. Dinah sighs as she pulled Lauren closer and held her tightly. "Can we just lay here and cuddle? Because that's all I want to do." She mumbles. Lauren smiled and kissed her cheek. "Ok!"

As they we snuggled on the couch Dinah noticed that whenever something's bothering her Lauren would play with her fingers. As cute as it was she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. "Babe is everything ok?" She asked. Lauren snuggled further into her as she let out a soft sigh. "Am I the reason why your aunt was so mad at you? Is it my fault you guys are at odds right now?" She asked sadly.

Dinah immediately sat up straight and looked deep into Lauren's eyes. "What my aunt said yesterday has absolutely nothing to do with you. Nothing that was said that day was your fault. So don't blame yourself." She said. Lauren's eyes turned a light baby blue color as she frowns. "You have always told me that your family is super tight but when we went and I was with you, your aunt was very mean and I just feel like I did something because maybe if I did not come maybe she would not have said those things." She explains.

Tucking Lauren's hair behind her ear Dinah gently made the girl look at her. "Baby, with the attitude she had the other day she would have said what she said regardless if you were there or not. So don't blame yourself baby." She said. Lauren smiles a little and kissed her cheek. "Ok!"


Lauren wasn't exactly sure what a club was or why Dinah wanted to go to one but she was willing to go for Dinah. She would do anything for her.

"Why exactly are we here again?" Lauren asked.

Dinah smiled as she grabs Lauren's hand and led her through the crowd. "I just wanted to take you out and do something fun and coming here was the best idea." She says. Lauren nodded as she looked around. She noticed that everyone was moving pretty close to each other and she didn't really understand why. "Why are people moving so close to each other?" She asked. Dinah chuckled a little "it's called dancing babe. Come on I'll show you." She said as she pulled Lauren towards the dance floor.

Standing in front of her Lauren watched as Dinah gently rested her arms on her shoulders as she began slowly moving her hips. Watching closely Lauren mimicked what Dinah was doing, which made the older girl smile. "You're adorable LoLo!" Dinah said. Lauren smiles as she continued dancing with Dinah.

Sitting at what Dinah called the bar Lauren softly tapped her fingers as she waited for Dinah to come back from the bathroom. She was going to introduce her to alcohol. So she was pretty intrigued as to what that was.

"Have you order anything?" Dinah asked as she took a seat next to her.

Lauren shook her head. "I was not sure what I should order so I decided to wait for you." She said. Dinah nodded and waved down the bartender. "Can we have to shots please?" The bartender nods and ran off to go make their shots. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows together when a small cup was placed in front of her. "I thought you asked for shots? What is this?" She questioned. Dinah giggled "it's your shot babe. Now drink up!" Lauren watched as Dinah threw her head back and drank from the small cup. Looking down and shrugging she decided to do the same thing.

"Oh my! That is a very...interesting taste." She said.

Dinah giggled at the cute expression on the girl's face. "It's ok if you don't like it babe." She said. Lauren looks over at her and shook her head. "Yes, I am not a big fan of alcohol. I am sorry." She says. Dinah wrapped her arm around Lauren's shoulders and kissed her cheek. "It's ok baby." She said. "Now let's go dance!" Lauren giggles as she stood up with the blonde. "Ok!"

With her hands placed on Lauren's hips Dinah gently pulled her closer as they both swayed to the music. Lauren looks up and smiled as she wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed Dinah's cheek. "Thank you for taking me here. I am having so much fun!" She said happily. Dinah grinned softly. "You're welcome babe."


With a few more days left on her break Dinah decided to spend one day with her family and introduce them to Lauren since the girl only met her dad and aunt. "Are you sure your family is going to like me? I mean you aunt did not so I am really nervous I might ruin things." Lauren confessed. Dinah gently held her hand. "Baby you won't ruin anything. My family is going to love you. I promise." She said. Lauren hums "I really hope so."

Arriving at her parents' house Lauren started feeling extremely nervous. She was freaking out right now. "Dinah nahadlok ko." Lauren cried softly. Dinah gently wraps her arms around the scared girl and held her close. "Baby you have nothing to be afraid of. I'll be right there with you. Ok babe?" Lauren nodded "ok."

Walking inside Lauren's grip on Dinah's hand tightens slightly the closer they got to the blonde's family. "Hey mom, hey dad." Dinah greets as she walked into the living room. "Oh DJ I'm so happy to see you!" Milika exclaims as she hugs her daughter tightly. Dinah giggled as she hugged her mom. "Uh mom I'd like you to me my girlfriend Lauren." She said as she pulls away.

Looking at the green eyed girl Milika smiles softly. "It's very nice to meet you Lauren." She said. Lauren smiles widely. "It is very nice to meet you as well." She said happily. After everyone introduce themselves they headed towards the dining room where dinner was ready to be served. Unfortunately for Dinah her aunt was there and if she was being honest she didn't want to see her aunt right now. Hopefully things go well this time. Hopefully.

As they were eating dinner Dinah noticed that her aunt kept glaring at Lauren. "Is there a problem?" Dinah asked coldly. Her aunt nods. "Yeah I want to know why this girl is here?" She asked rudely. "She's not a part of our family so she should leave!"

Dinah was livid with what her aunt just said and was about to say something but her dad beat her to it. "As long as she's dating Dinah she is apart of this family." Gordon said. Her aunt rolled her eyes and without saying anything she got up and left.

Lauren sat there and hung her head low as she nervously played with her fingers. "Sh-should I leave?" She asked sadly. "Of course not honey! You are more than welcome to stay!" Milika says. Lauren's eyes lit up as she looked at Dinah and her family. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

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