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"What do you mean you're in space!?" Ally tells through the phone.

Dinah bit her lip trying to hold back her laughter. "I mean Lauren took me to visit her planet. Something came up and I just needed to be with her." She said. "What about the show?" Normani asked. "Don't worry I took care of it. I already explained to my fans what happened and apologized for not being there." She said.

"What exactly is going on with Lauren's planet?" Ally asked.

Before she could Dinah was pushed back in her seat as Lauren picked up speed towards a bluish teal plants. Going into hyperdrive Lauren held Dinah's hand as she made her way towards Olton. Since she knew the pressure it had when people entered the planet she had to make sure that Dinah was ok and the one way to do that was to hold her hand.

"Princess it is so good to see you." Kehlani says.

Lauren smiles "maayo nga makabalik." She said. Kehlani smiles "I see you brought a friend." She points out. "Who is she?" Lauren smiles as she locked her fingers with Dinah. "This is Dinah akong hinigugma." She answered. Kehlani raised her eyebrows. "Beloved? Wow it must be serious between you two." She said.

Lauren nodded "yes it is very serious." She said proudly. "Have you marked her?" Kehlani asked. "Yeah it wasn't exactly how I wanted it but it is still special none the less." Lauren answered. Kehlani nodded and moved to stand in front of her princess. "Lauren I know you just got her but the head of the Viltorie army would like to speak to you. He said he will only communicate with the princess." She says. Lauren nodded and without saying anything she headed towards the castle where the head of both armies were standing.

"You wanted to speak to me." She said.

The head smiles as he looks at her. "Princess I am Head Payne but you can call me Liam." He said. Lauren nodded as she stood next to her mother who wore a straight face while facing Liam. "The reason I have come back here is because I heard that you wanted war." She said. "Why do you want to start a war?"

Liam chuckles as he began circling around them. "Because this is the only planet I have conquered. I have the three others I just need this one." He said. Lauren hums as she held her hands in front of her with a blank look on her face. "What if I don't want war?" She asked. "Is there any other way we could solve this?"

Liam thought for a second before standing in front of her. "Princess I know you're smart but war is the only way to get what I want, which is your planet and your people at my feet." He said. "And what do you plan to do when you have the four planets?" She asked. Cupping her face in his hands Liam looks her in the eyes and smiles. "The four planets are just the beginning because once I have them I have every other planet out there."

Lauren looked at her as she removed his hands from her face. "See I can not let that happen." She said. Liam looks at her. "And why not?" He asked sternly. Lauren sighed "because this planet is my home. I grew up here, my friends and family grew up. I just can not let you take that away from them or anyone else." She says strongly.

Without warning Liam's hands were around her throat as he pressed her up against the wall. Feeling his rings pressing into her neck Lauren lifts her legs and kicks him back before standing to her feet. "I do not want to fight you!" She says. "We can figure this out like civil people!"

Liam laughs loudly as he rushed towards her and grips her by her shirt. "You see I don't think we can." Throwing her against the wall he takes out his knife and throws it directly at her hitting her right in the stomach. With the knife still in her Lauren stood up and slowly pulled it out as she walked towards him. Liam had a condescending smirk on his face but was quickly wiped away when Lauren punched him sending him flying back and hitting the wall.

"Fine if it is a fight you want then you will get one." She yells.

Liam smirked as he ran towards her and lifts her up by her shirt. "You can't beat me little one." He laughed. Lauren rolled her eyes and flipped out of his hold and kicked him across the room. Even though she didn't want to fight him she knew that she had to do anything to protect her planet. This was her home and she wouldn't let it be taken over by a dictator.

Wiping his mouth Liam stood up angrily and stormed over to Lauren. Striking her across the face he sends her flying across the room. Taking out his laser he runs to her and pinned her against the wall as he pressed the laser against her face making her scream out in pain.

Clawing at his arms Lauren kicked and scratched to get out of his hole but it was useless. The laser was already draining her and in a desperate need to get away from him she stabs him in the stomach making him pull away. With blurry vision she stood up slowly and walked over to him. "Give back every planet you have conquered, send an apology to the four planets then make sure you never come back here ever again. You shall not come with in miles of any planet other than your own of we will have you exiled." She said. Liam glared at her but let out a defeated sigh. "Fine."


"I am sorry honey but your eyes are pretty damaged." Her mother says.

Lauren nodded as she sat up with the goggles still on her face. "So what do I do now?" She asked. Clara sighs "I am really not sure. I mean our doctors can fix you but unfortunately that could take months." She said. Blinking repeatedly Lauren hung her head low because she really didn't know what to do. Yeah she could stay and get fixed up but that would mean leaving behind Dinah and she didn't want to do that. She didn't want to leave her.

"Uh may I try something?" Dinah asked.

Clara nodded "of course." She said as she moved aside. Taking the glasses out of her purse Dinah gently placed them on Lauren and backed away. "So?" She asked. Looking up Lauren smiled when she could see clearly again. "Wow this is great! I can see clearly again!" She squeals as she hugged Dinah. "Thank you baby!" Dinah chuckled as she hugs her back. "You're welcome love."

Standing in her bed Lauren smiled as she looked out over the city. As beautiful as it was it felt weird to be back on her planet after being away for so long. She felt kind of out of place being back home and to her that was weird. "Is it weird that I am feeling out of place here?" She asked Dinah.

The blonde shakes her head. "No. I felt the same way when I came home from tour. I was so used to sleeping in hotels or on the bus that it was weird to stay put for more than a few days." Dinah says. "So I understand where you're coming from."

Lauren nodded as she turns to Dinah. "So if I wanted to come back home with you that would be ok right?" She asked. Dinah smiles "before I say yes may I ask you something?" Lauren nods "of course."

Taking the ring out of her pocket Dinah got on one knee. "I've never been someone that was great with expressing her feelings but when I'm with you things come easily to me. I feel like I can tell you anything and you'll understand. For the pass few months you've been more than just a girlfriend to me, you've been my best friend. I could lean on you and you'd be right there so tell me that everything would be ok," she chuckles softly. "I'm saying all of this to ask, will you marry me?" She asked. Lauren had tears pouring from her eyes as she bent down in front of Dinah and cups her face. "I would love nothing more." With that being said she pulled Dinah in for a sweet kiss.

Neither of them knew what the future would hold or what obstacles they would have to face but none of that matters as long as they had each other.

The End.

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