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It's been a week since Lauren has been on earth and things have been pretty good. Everyone has been so nice to her and they didn't expect a thing. So that's good.

"Maayong buntag." She greeted when she saw the tall blonde.

Dinah raised an eyebrow. "Considering what time it is I am guessing that means good morning." She muttered tiredly. Lauren nodded "you are correct." She said. "So what are we doing today?" Dinah shrugged as she made herself a cup of hot chocolate. "Honestly I have no idea. I'm kind of just waiting for Mani and Ally to come over." She mumbles, yawning shortly afterwards.

Lauren bats her eyes at the girl. "Do you think maybe I could meet your friends?" She asked. Dinah nods "yeah of course Lo." She said. Lauren tilts her head at the girl. "Lo?" She asked.

Dinah couldn't stop herself from chuckling at the fact that Lauren might not know what a nickname is. "Lo it's your nickname. It's something people call you other then your real name." She explains. Lauren nodded "oh ok."

After waking herself up with some hot chocolate Dinah sat down on the couch and turned on the tv to see if anything good was on. "So Lauren do you have any siblings?" She asked. Lauren shook her head. "Well not technically. I uh had an older sister but she died the day before I was born." She spoke sadly.

"Oh Lauren I'm so sorry." Dinah says.

Lauren gave her a soft grin. "It is fine. My mother always used to tell me that she was watching over me and protecting me." She said. "It made things easier." Dinah smiled "that's beautiful Lo." She said softly. Lauren's cheeks turned pink. "Thank you-"

Before she could finish speaking the front door opened and in walked Dinah's friends. "Hey D do you think you can come by the studio?" Ally asked. Dinah nodded "yeah." She agree. "Can Lauren come with?"

Normani was about to roll her eyes and protest until she looked at the girl. Green eyes, hair as black as night, skin as white as snow and a purple gem embedded in her right wrist. There was only a few people she knew with those traits and it was crazy to think that any of them would come to this planet. "Lauren may I talk to you?" She asked. Lauren nodded "of course!"

Following Normani outside of the apartment Lauren didn't get to speak before Normani cut her off. "Why are you here?" She asked. "I thought your people didn't travel."

Lauren sighs "we usually do not, but with my planet under attack I was given no choice but to flee." She explains. "If that's the case then why are you so close to Dinah? What do you want with her?" Normani asked.

Lauren blushed a little. "I crashed outside of the studio she was at and she was kind enough to help me out. I have been staying with her for the pass week and she has been great! She is so kind. Reminds me of home." She said.

Sensing nothing wrong with the girl and knowing her planet pretty well Normani was going to trust Lauren. "Look I'm going to trust you but if you so much as try to ruin anything for Dinah I will not hesitate to hurt you." She said. "Nasabtan?" Lauren quickly nodded "Nasabtan."


Sitting on the studio couch with her knees hugged tightly to her chest Lauren's eyes were bright pink and practically had stars shooting out of them as she watched Dinah sing. "Wow she is really amazing!" She gushed. Normani chuckled "yeah she's pretty incredible." She mumbles absentmindedly.

Lauren titled her head as she looked at the black haired girl and she noticed that Normani was paying absolutely no mind to Dinah. Instead her eyes were glued on to the shorter of the two. Ally. "You know if you like her you should go talk to her." She whispered.

Normani rolled her eyes "I don't like Dinah." She mutters. "What gave you that idea?" Lauren shakes her head. "I am not talking about Dinah. I am talking about Ally." She says. "I see how you are looking at her and I think you should tell her how you feel."

Normani scuffed "yeah and when she rejects me our friendship will be ruined and I'm sorry I can't let that happen." She said. "But why would she reject you? Does she not like you as well?" Lauren asked curiously. Normani sighed "because I'm pretty sure she's straight." She said.

Seeing the girl's confused look made Normani remember something. "I forgot you guys don't have sexuality on your planet. You just fall in love with whoever," she sighed. "Being straight means that you only like the opposite sex. People like you and me are what most would consider bisexual because we're attracted to both genders." She explains.

Lauren nodded as she understood what Normani was telling her. "But have you asked her if she is straight?" She asked. Normani shook her head. "Nope but I mean I've never seen her talk about liking a girl before so I just kind of figured." She says. Lauren nodded "well I think you should talk to her." She says. "Because you will never know if you do not try."

"Wow DJ that was great!" Ally gushed.

Dinah smiled as she stepped out of the booth. "Aw thanks Allycat!" She said. Ally smiles "you're welcome." She says. Dinah nods "so what do you think of Lauren?" She asked curiously. Ally smiled a little. "Uh she's great. She seems like a very good person." She said distractedly.

Dinah crossed her arms over her chest as she raised an eyebrow at the girl. "So how are things with you and Mani?" She asked. Ally shrugged "they're good. We're still best friends." She replied. Dinah sighs "Smalls when are you going to tell her how you feel? You can't keep this in forever." She said.

Ally wrapped her arms around herself. "No but I can definitely try. I just don't want our friendship ruined if I come out and tell her. I can't have her hating me." She said. "Ally I'm pretty sure she won't hate you and you won't know if you don't try." Dinah said. "Maybe she liked you as well." Ally shrugged "maybe but who really knows."

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