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Since Lauren has been living with Dinah for the pass few weeks she's been wearing most of Dinah's clothes. So Dinah thought it would be a good idea to take her shopping for her own clothes.

"Dinah what is a mall?" Lauren asked softly.

Dinah glanced at her. "It's a place with many different stores where people shop for clothes, shoes or whatever it is that they may need." She explains. Lauren nods "do they also eat here?" Dinah hums "yeah that's mainly why people come to this particular one because the food is bomb." She says. "So the food explodes?" Lauren questioned.

Dinah couldn't help but laugh at the girl's unintentional joke. "No babe. Bomb means something is good or great." She said. Lauren nodded but frowned slightly because she felt stupid not understanding earth slang. "Gosh I should really know this by now." She muttered sadly. Dinah stopped and turned to her. "Baby you don't beat yourself up. You've only been here for a while and it's ok you're still learn Lo. You're fine." She says. Lauren nodded "ok."

As Lauren was looking at clothes an arm wrapped around her waist. "Did you find anything yet baby? " A soft voice asks. Lauren smiled a little as she turns around. "Yes I found this shirt that I really liked." She said as she held up a shirt. Dinah smiles but before she could speak a voice stops her.

"Aw isn't that just cute."

Clenching her jaw Dinah glares at the girl with nothing but coldness in her usual soft brown eyes. "What do you want Camila?" She asked coldly. Camila chuckles "nothing I just saw you and wanted to say hi." She says. "Who's your friend DJ?"

Lauren looks between the two girls and she could tell that things were quite intense between them and she wasn't sure why. "That's none of your business." Dinah spits harshly. Camila chuckled dryly "but yet it was ok for you to know everything about Shawn and I, but I can't ask about your friend? Seems pretty hypocritical of you Dinah." She argues. Dinah rolls her eyes. "I needed to know about Shawn because we were best friends and you were being used. You don't get to know about her because our friendship is over and you have no right." She said.

"I have no right but with one word I could ruin your whole career and what ever relationship you have with this girl." Camila said boldly.

Dinah rolls her eyes "if that's really how you feel then do it because honestly I'm afraid of you Camila. I'm really not." She said as she grabs Lauren's hand and walked away, leaving behind a fuming Camila Cabello.


After they arrived home at the mall Lauren sat on the couch with her arms wrapped around her as she stared off in space. "Dinah who was that girl and how did you know her?" She asked.

Dinah sighed as she played with the ring on her finger. "She was someone I was introduced to when I was first starting out and we were best friends up until my career blow up," she chuckled dryly. "With my EP and my first single selling fast and my name becoming way more known she started getting mad and telling me I was going too fast. So I decided to slow down just a little so she wouldn't hate me and since she was in the industry before me I took her advice. She knew more than me and at the time I trusted her." She said.

Lauren nods "what did you mean you said you needed to know Shawn?" She asked. Dinah frowns "let me tell you a story."

Dinah was laying in her bunk scrolling through Twitter when she saw an article about Camila and Shawn. She rolled her eyes when she read that Shawn was planning on having Camila as a part of his up coming album.

Deep down she knew that this was a bad idea but she wanted to supportive of her best friend but something about Shawn rubs her the wrong way. She doesn't trust the guy.

"DJ did you hear? I'm gonna be on Shawn's album!" Camila squeals. "Isn't that great?"

Dinah frowns "I'm happy for you but Mila I don't trust him. I mean I don't even know the kid and if you're going to be on his album maybe I could meet him." She suggests.

Camila scuffed "I see what this is. You're trying to meet him so he puts you on the album instead of me! You're trying to steal my spotlight you backstabbing bitch!" She growled.

Dinah looked at her. "That's not it at all Camila," she sighed. "I just want to make sure that he is actually a genuine person and not just someone trying to use you as a one up in the industry. I just want to make sure that he actually likes you for you and not just because you can get him a number one hit. I just want to make sure he's real." She says.

Camila glared at her. "Shawn would never do that and you know it! Just admit you're jealous because I'm a bigger star then you and people who have been in the industry for years know me better than they know you!" She screams. "I'm more famous than you and you can't handle that so you're trying to ruin the biggest opportunity I have ever had! Some friend you are!"

Dinah looked at her in disbelief and just scuffs. "Camila I would never do that! I don't care that you're getting opportunities, I'm happy for you, but I really just want to make sure this is real and he's not just using you. That wouldn't be fair to you." She says.

Camila shook her head. "Shawn would never do that but you would." She spits. "This friendship is over." Without looking back Camila quickly grabbed her things and left the bus. Dinah tried to stop her but it was too late. The girl was already gone.

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