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Lauren didn't know why but she was very excited to be back on tour with Dinah and the girls. She found the whole touring process very interesting and enjoyed meeting, what Dinah would call, the fans. She liked seeing how happy they all got when Dinah stepped out on stage or greeted them at m&gs. It was all very, very cool to her.

"Are you happy to be back on tour?" Dinah asked.

Lauren smiled as she looked up at her girlfriend. "Yes I am very happy to be back on tour. I am excited to see where we are going next." She said. Dinah chuckled as she stood behind the raven haired beauty and gently wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist. "We're heading over seas." She said. Lauren's eyes lit up a very bright green color as she looks up at the blonde. "Oh that sounds very fancy." She says. Dinah chuckles "it's pretty nice."

Boarding Dinah's private plane Lauren was just as excited when she went on the first time. It was such a scary yet fun experience and she couldn't wait to do it again. "So how long is this plane ride?" She asked. "It's a pretty long flight. So you might as well get comfortable." Dinah says. "Did you bring the tablet I gave you?" Lauren nodded as she held up up. "Yes I did. I also brought all the plug ins with me!" She said proudly. Dinah giggled at her adorableness. "You're absolutely precious LoLo." She said. Lauren blushed "aw thank you Dinah."

Lauren was cuddled next to Dinah watching some video on what the blonde called YouTube when a notification popped up and without a second thought she decided to check it.

Why does Lauren speak like she doesn't know english? Fucking weirdo

Lauren frowned at the comment because she had no idea that she didn't speak very well. "Dinah do I not speak well? Is my english bad?" She asked sadly. Dinah glanced at her. "Baby you speak fine. Don't dwell on what internet trolls say." She said. Lauren smiles a little. "Thank you!"

When she posted a picture of them on the plane Lauren had no idea it would blow up the way it did. She got comment after comment about the mile high club and she didn't really understand what that was. "Dinah what is the mile high club?" She asked innocently. Dinah almost chocked on her drink when her girlfriend asked that. "Uh i-it's really not that important. It's just something people say - it's nothing babe." She stutters out. Lauren could tell that Dinah was lying but she just shrugs it off. "Hm ok."


Lauren rubs her eyes as she locked her hand with Dinah's as they stepped off of the plane. This was her first really long plane ride and she was exhausted. "Baby did you not sleep?" Dinah questions. Lauren shakes her head. "No I did not because I was not sure if I would wake back up in time to leave with you and I did not want to be forgotten." She said. Dinah held her close and gently ran her fingers through Lauren's hair. "Unfortunately I have rehearsals today but the stadium is an hour from here so you can sleep while we're driving there." She said. Lauren hums "ok."

As they were driving to the stadium Dinah noticed that Lauren would mumble in her sleep. She didn't know why but she found that fact to be utterly adorable. Lauren mumbled something as she snuggled further into the blonde making Dinah aw as she took a picture of the sleeping girl and posted it to her Instagram story.

"You really love her don't you." Normani comments.

Dinah smiles at her best friend. "Yeah, I do. I mean we've spent so much time together, I've learned to understand her language and she's just been so amazing overall." She says. "I know that you haven't thought about this since Jasmine, but do you think you'll marry her?" Normani asked. Dinah looks down at the sleeping girl in her lap and smiles. "Truthfully, I really think I am," she glanced at Normani. "Manz I'm in love with Lauren and I definitely don't see myself marrying anyone but her and I'm absolutely perfectly fine with that." She says.

Normani couldn't help but smile when she heard that. "Aw DJ I haven't seen you this happy since Jasmine. I'm so happy for you babe!" She exclaims happily. Dinah smiled as she looked down at the beautiful girl in her arms. "Yeah but this is different. This one is real."

Pulling up to the venue Lauren fluttered her eyes open as she say up and got out of the car. "May I watch you rehearse?" She asked. Dinah nodded "of course babygirl." She said as they walked inside. With a wide smile on her face Lauren locked her fingers with Dinah's as they walked inside. Taking a seat at the front Lauren was bursting with excitement as she watched Dinah practice her set. This should be fun.

"Giunsa ka?"

Lauren smiled as she looks up at Normani. "Oh I am fine! I am really excited for the show tonight!" She exclaims as she claps her hands together. Normani giggles as sat next to her. "What are your thoughts on marriage?" She asked. Lauren's eyes lit up pink and a small heart formed in her pupil. "Oh I love marriage! I have always dreamed of getting married," she giggles softly. "I mean on my planet weddings and marriage are a big deal. I just can not wait until I get married." She gushed happily.

Normani looked at her and smiled. "Can you see yourself marring Dinah?" She asked. Lauren's face lit up. "Of course I can. She has my heart and she is the only one I can see myself marring." She said. "I love her."

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