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Waking up the next morning Dinah had the biggest smile on her face as she snuggled close to Lauren. "As much as I love cuddling with you it's still weird to not hear your heartbeat." She comments. Lauren giggled "do not worry I felt the same way when I heard yours. I thought something was wrong." She says.

Dinah giggled as she sat up and covered her bare chest with the sheet around her. "So my day is pretty free until the show later tonight. Would you like to explore the town with me?" She asked. Lauren grins "I would love that."

After some more making out and then getting dressed Dinah and Lauren headed towards the living room to leave but stopped when they saw Tara. "I thought you'd be gone by now." Dinah spat coldly. Tara frowns "I was just grabbing somethings." She said. "I'm sorry by the way."

Dinah shook her head. "What were you trying to accomplish by breaking Lauren and I up? Why did you lie to her?" She asked. "I didn't want you to fall into depression if you two ever broke up. I couldn't watch you crumble the way you did when Jasmine broke up with you." Tara explains. Dinah looked at her. "Why do you think Lauren's going to break up with me?" She asked.

"Because everytime you're serious with a girl they end up breaking your heart. You fall into depression and then your music suffers because you're too sad and upset to work. I can't let your career fail because a girl breaks up with you. It's not fair to you Dinah." Tara says.

Lauren glanced at her. "I would never break Dinah's heart. I really, really like her." She says. Tara nodded "yeah I know that now."

After taking with Tara and figuring somethings out Dinah and Lauren left to explore the town. "So what do we do first? Do we get food where we are going?" Lauren asked excitedly. Dinah chuckled "that can be arranged."


Being a California native before moving to New York Dinah knew all the best spots to eat. "Lo I promise this place has the best food." She gushed. "I used to come here all the time before I moved." She said. Lauren tilts her head "how often do you come back here?" She asked curiously.

Dinah smiles "I came back every break and right after every tour to come spend time with my family." She said. "Can I meet your family one day?" Lauren asked nervously. Dinah's eyes lit up. "Of course babe."

Lauren didn't know a lot about earth food but what she had on her plate looked pretty good. "So do I eat this with a fork and knife?" She asked. Dinah shakes her head. "No baby you eat it with your hands. You pick it up, it's finger food." She explains.

Lauren eyes lit up at the new information. "Oh it is like the fire snacks that we have back on Oltron. I understand now!" She exclaimed happily. Dinah's heart fluttered at how cute Lauren was. It's was adorable!

As they were eating Dinah noticed that Lauren's gem would flash different colors every five seconds and it was in a pattern. It went blue, purple, green, yellow and pink. Then it would repeat. "Lo your gem is flashing different colors." She informed.

Lauren looked down and it was indeed flashing different colors. "Does this place have a wash facility?" She asked. Dinah nods "uh yeah I'll show you." She said as she stood up and began walking Lauren to the bathroom.

Once inside Lauren locked the door and sat on top of the sink as she began messing with her gem. "Dinah I am about to remove my gem and I need you to reset it using this device." She said as she hands Dinah a thin clear cellphone like device.

Dinah nodded "uh ok but what am I supposed to exactly?" She asked. "You need to type out reset program and four dashes will show up. You then need to enter six two seven six and then repeat." Lauren replies. "You have to wait exactly one minute before placing my gem back." Dinah hums and once Lauren takes her gem out and passes out. Using the small device she quickly did what Lauren told her to do and reset the program. Looking at the clock and noticing that it just turned five o'clock she began counting down.

After a minute passed she gently putting her gem back Dinah waited for a minute until Lauren's eyes fluttered open. "Hello. Did everything go well?" She asked. "I think so." Dinah answered. "How do you feel?" Lauren smiles as she sat up and stood in front of the tall blonde. "I am fine. I seem to still have all my memories." She says. Dinah smiled before grabbing her hand and leaving the bathroom to resume their lunch date.


"So how often do you have to do that?" Dinah asked.

Lauren smiled a little. "Every three months. With everything us Oltonians do we often have to reset our system or well start to slow down and things will become hard for us. It is good to start with a clean slate." She says. Dinah glanced at her. "What happens if you don't reset?" She asked.

Lauren sighed "well our memories began decreasing, our speech get slurred and our eyes become cloudy. Depending on how long it was between your last reset you can usually do a quick cleaning of your gem and a normal rest to get back to normal." She explains. "What if that doesn't work?" She frowns "if that does not work then that means you will have to get a whole new gem. Meaning everything on your old one with probably be lost forever, meaning you will have to make new memories." She answered.

Dinah nodded as she gently played with Lauren's hands. "Has that ever happened to you?" She asked nervously. Locking their hands together Lauren smiled at her. "Nope. I have always been very good at keeping up with my resets." She said confidently. Dinah giggled softly as she kissed her. "You're adorable Lo." She says. "I love you too." Lauren's eyes turned a bright pink as she looks up at the girl. "I love you too Dinah."

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