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Three Months Later.
Lauren was sitting on the couch reading a book that Dinah gave her when the door opened and in walked Tara. Looking up Lauren smiled at the older woman. "Hello may I help you?" She asked.

Tara glared at her. "Look you need to leave." She spat. Lauren tilts her head. "Why? Dinah said I could come along." She informed. Tara smirks "yeah well I'm her manager and I say you have to leave. Go back to wherever you came from because honestly Dinah's better off without you. Plus her and Jasmine are getting back together." She jabs.

Lauren shook her head. "No they are not. Dinah said that they are over." She argued. Tara laughed as she pulled out her phone. "Really? Then why did I catch them kissing after her show last night." She jabs as she showed the girl her phone.

Lauren felt hurt when she saw the picture. Dinah said she wanted her, that she liked her. Why would she lie? Why would she hurt her like this? Looking up at Tara she nodded. "Ok I will leave." She agreed. "I mean there is nothing left here for me anyway." Tara smirked "good."

Arriving back at the bus Dinah received some very harsh glares from Normani and Ally. "Uh is everything ok?" She asked. Normani scuffs "how could you Dinah Jane? You have the perfect girl and you go out and kiss Jasmine! Are you serious right now!" She yells. "Honestly Dinah this is the dumbest thing you have ever done." Ally adds.

Dinah was really confused right now. "Uh what are you talking about? I haven't seen Jasmine in mouths. I think she finally gave up and moved on." She says. "Then why does Tara have a picture of you and her kissing from last night?" Ally asked as she showed her the picture. Dinah frowns "that's fake. I'm not sure how but Tara photoshopped that." She said.

"How do you know?" Normani asked.

Dinah rolls her eyes "when have I ever been taller than Jasmine?" She asked rhetorically. Both girls quickly realized what was happening. "Tara set you up!"


Lauren was playing with her necklace as tears ran down her cheeks. She didn't understand why Dinah would tell her all those things but to go running back to Jasmine. It was confusing and it hurt because she just didn't understand how Dinah could hurt her this badly.

"I know you're hurting but you had to know that Dinah never really loved you the way she loves Jasmine." Tara said.

Lauren's frown deepens. "No I did not. I really thought that we had something special. I guess I was wrong." She mumbled sadly. Tara gave her a fake sad look. "I know you're hurting but once you're away from her and with your family you will feel a lot better." She says. Lauren shrugged "maybe."

Speeding as fast as they could to the airport Dinah was kicking herself for not getting Lauren a cellphone. "Why didn't I get her a phone? I should have gotten her a phone!" She groaned. Ally gently grabbed Dinah's hand. "DJ it's going to be fine. We'll stop this and we'll get Lauren back." She said. Dinah nods "I really hope you're right."

Sitting in her chair Lauren wiped her eyes as she grabbed her things. "Hey I know you're upset but this was for the best. It would have never worked out." Tara said. Lauren nodded but before she could speak a voice calling her name stops her. Looking behind her she gasped. "Dinah Jane what are you doing here?" She asked angrily.

Dinah stopped to catch her breath. "I'm here for you. Lo I didn't kiss Jasmine! I haven't seen her in months I promise. I love you Lo." She says. Lauren backed away from her. "How can I trust you? Tara has proof and it is you and her in the picture! Why would she lie?" She asked.

Dinah gently grabs her hand. "That photo you saw was fake. It's not real Lauren. I would never hurt you like that." She said. "I love you." Lauren had tears in her eyes as she looked up at the gorgeous blonde. "I love you too Dinah."

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