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Lauren was laying in Dinah's bunk playing with her new phone that Dinah got her when the curtain was pulled back. "Are you have fun sweetie?" Dinah asked. Lauren nodded "yes I am." She says. "Now how do I download apps?" Dinah chuckled as she took Lauren's phone and showed her the app store. "Here you can pretty much download whatever you want." She explains. Lauren nodded as she watched Dinah download a few apps on her phone.

"Wow this is so fascinating." She gushed.

Dinah couldn't help but smile at how adorable Lauren was when she learned new things. It was precious honestly. "You're so cute Lo." She says. Lauren grinned happily as she pecked Dinah's lips. "When is the concert tonight?" She asked. "In two hours. Which means I have to get ready right now." Dinah informed. Lauren hummed as she followed Dinah out of the bus and towards the venue.

Sitting in her dressing room Dinah had Lauren in her lap as she made her an Instagram page. "LoLo smile at me." She said. Lauren did as she was told and flashed Dinah her most charming smile. "And there you're all set up." She said as she handed Lauren her phone. Lauren nodded "and I can post as much as I want, right?" She questioned. Dinah nods "yep as much as you want."

During the concert Lauren noticed that the girl next to her wouldn't stop staring at her. Moving closer to Ally she locked their hands together and continued watching Dinah perform her hits. "Lo are you ok?" Ally asked. Lauren shakes her head. "No the girl next to me has not stopped staring at me and it is making me uncomfortable." She said. Ally nodded and held Lauren's hand tighter as she watched Dinah sing her heart out on stage.

As Dinah was singing a new song that was clearly about her Lauren couldn't stop herself from blushing at the lyrics. They were so cute and loving it was adorable. "Honestly whoever this song is about sounds like a stupid bitch. Like why would someone as incredible as Dinah Jane want to date an absolutely useless person." The girl next to her spat viciously.

Lauren frowned when she heard what the girl next to her just said. It was quite hurtful. "Lo don't listen to her! You're not useless you're amazing!" Ally compliments. Lauren smiled as she hugged the shorter girl. "Thank you AllyCat!" She said. "Thank you so much!"


'Dinah Jane's new girlfriend confirms relationship with cute Instagram photo."

Dinah couldn't help but giggled at the article. "It's hilarious that they think this is our first confirmation when we have several pictures on my Instagram together." She said. Lauren giggled softly as she snuggled up with Dinah, who wrapped an arm around her and held her close. "Is that why I am getting all these followers?" She asked. Dinah nods "probably. My fans love meeting the new people in my life." She says. "Plus you're really cute so who wouldn't want to follow you."

Lauren giggled as she kissed Dinah's cheeks. "You are so very sweet Dinah Jane." She says. Dinah smiles at her. "Only for you babe." She whispers. "Only for you."

Cuddling up with her girlfriend Lauren mindlessly scrolled through Instagram and looked at all the comments she was getting. It was interesting to see how all of Dinah's fans had such different opinions about her. Most of them were positive and nice, but she definitely got a few mean ones that Dinah told her not to worry about. It was all very new and exciting to her. She could definitely get used to this.

"Baby what is a piercing?" She asked.

Dinah glanced at her. "It's like the jewelry I have in my nose and ears." She explains. Lauren hums "ok but why is everyone commenting that on my page. I have no piercings." She mumbles. Dinah chuckled "I think they mean your gem since it's embedded in your skin." She explains. Lauren's eyes grew wide and she nodded. "Ah ok! I understand now." She said happily with a wide smile. Dinah grins as she kissed the top of her head. "You're wonderful baby."

During rehearsal Lauren had her phone out recording Dinah and Normani as they practiced the dance for tonight's new song. So far it was going good. "Are you going to post that video?" Ally asked. Lauren shook her head. "No. This is just for me. I am planning on recording the rest of the tour so I can make a memory card for myself." She explains.

"What's a memory card?" Ally asked.

Lauren glanced over at her for a second before focusing back on the video. "A memory card is something I can place in my gem and it will play back whatever is on the file." She tells her. "Do you have any more?" Ally asked. Lauren nodded "yes I have plenty from when I was on Oltron." She replied. Ally couldn't help but find it so interesting the way Lauren talked about her planet. "Wow that's so cool!"

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