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Lauren was sitting on the roof looking up at the stars. As great as being on this planet was she couldn't help but feel homesick. She missed her family, her people and she wanted nothing more than to be with them right now. It would make things so much easier for her.

"You're homesick, aren't you."

Lauren glanced up at Dinah and nodded. "How did you know?" She asked. Dinah chuckled as she sat next to the girl. "Because I felt the same way when I went on tour for the first time." She said. "I was ready to give up halfway through just so I could go back to my family." Lauren stared at her. "How did you mange?"

Dinah smiled "I had Mani and Ally with me. They really helped me relax and it felt like being home and that was nice." She says. "So are you like my family?" Lauren questioned. Dinah nodded "of course I am." She said.

Before Lauren could say anything there was a loud knock on the door. Quickly excusing herself Dinah ran to go answer the door. "Uh Tara what are you doing?" She asked her manager. Tara glared at her as she shoved her phone into her face. "Dinah Jane out on a date with her new girlfriend!?" She growled out. "What the hell Dinah!?"

Dinah rolls her eyes at her overly dramatic manager. "What? I don't see anything wrong with the article. At least it's something good." She said. "That's not the point Hansen! The point is this girl, whoever she is, is going to ruin your career." Tara spat.

Dinah furrows her brows. "Why would she ruin my career?" She asked. "Because look at her! The girl's a freak! It's like she's not even from here with the way she acts." Tara says. Dinah scuffs "that's not it. You just don't want me with her because she's a girl." She spits. "You've always had a problem with me be a lesbian but you're only now saying something because you don't like Lauren!"

Tara sighed "Dinah I don't have a problem with that it's just - I don't trust her! I think she's only with you because you're a huge star right now and she wants a taste of fame." She argues. Dinah shakes her head. "Lauren doesn't care that I'm famous. In fact she had no idea I was famous until I told her." She said. Tara shrugs "well be careful Dinah Jane." With that said she left.


Lauren was playing with Dinah's phone when several pictures of her came up in the gallery. Most were taken when she wasn't even looking and others were with Dinah. "Dinah when did you take all of these?" She asked softly.

Dinah blushed "uh the week after I met you. I just - sometimes you do this thing where you're focused on something and you just look so beautiful. I just have to capture the moment." She tells her. Lauren's eyes flashed light pink as she glanced at the blonde. "Have you done this with other people?" She asked.

Dinah shakes her head "nope you're the first one." She admits. "Really? But what about Jasmine?" Lauren questions. "I mean you guys were together for a long time." Dinah gently played with Lauren's fingers. "Jasmine didn't like photographs or having pictures taken of her. She would often yell at me if I asked." She says.

"So how do you know that I like my picture taken?" Lauren challenged.

Dinah smirks "Mani told me that your people love having their picture taken. It's one of the perks of being from Oltron." She answered. Lauren nodded "it is also one of the things our people share in common." She says. "Why do you think Normani loves taking pictures."

Dinah giggles "so have you been to Mani's planet?" She asked. Lauren hummed "Starbolt is beautiful and everyone there is what you would call superstars. They are like the most famous of all the four planets." She says.

"Four planets? But there are more than just four planets." Dinah comments.

Lauren giggles "no silly! I mean the core four. There the planets that other people for further away planets go to when they have a debate they need to pay or they really need to get away from home. They course four is where everyone goes to get their need met basically." She explained.

Dinah nodded "is your planet one of the core four?" She asked. "Yes but we are like the vacation planet. People really only come to us to see our most famous sights." Lauren said.

Dinah nodded as she snuggled up with the green eyed beauty. "Tell me more about your planet Lo." She whispered softly. Lauren kissed the top of her head as she held her close and began telling Dinah everything about her planet.

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