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A few days after knowing Normani's secret Lauren made it her mission to find out if Ally like anyone, preferably Normani, because she just felt like there was something there between the two of them and her feelings are usually never wrong.

"So why are the three of us hanging out today Lauren?" Dinah asked.

Lauren smiled at her. "Because I just want to get to know Ally better. She seems like a sweet girl and I would like to know your friends better." She said. "If that is ok of course." Dinah smiles "that's wonderful Lo."

Arriving at the small diner Lauren was very intrigued by it. She has never seen anything like this before. "So why are there people walking around with food on trays?" She asked curiously. Dinah chuckles "those are the waiters. They take your order, put it in and then once it's ready they bring it to you." She explains. Lauren nodded understandingly. "That is so fascinating."

Sitting across from Ally. Lauren couldn't help but study the girl. She was pretty small in high and petite in body size but the girl was very pretty. She completely understand why Normani likes her so much. "So Ally do you have a kasos - a partner?" She quickly corrected her question when she remembered that the people of earth don't understand her language.

Ally blushed a little. "Uh not yet." She spoke shyly. "But I do like someone." Lauren's eyes lit up when she heard that. "Really? May I ask who?" She questions. Ally's face turned bright red as she hung her head. "If I tell you, you must promise me that you won't tell a soul." She said. "Promise me." Lauren nodded her head quickly. "I promise." She said.

Ally sighs "it's Mani." She confessed. "I've liked her since two thousand sixteen but I've just never had the courage to tell her because I'm scared that she won't like me back." Lauren smiled widely as she held on to Ally's hands. "Ally I know you are scared but I really think you should tell Normani how you feel. I just think things will work out differently then you would expect." She said. Ally looked at her with curious eyes. "How do you know that?" She wondered. Lauren just smiles. "You are just going to have to trust me."


After there lunch with Ally. Dinah couldn't stop thinking about that would that Lauren almost said. There was something about it that just felt familiar. "Lo what was that kas-something that you were going to tell to Ally? Like, what does it mean?" She asked.

Lauren looked up at her. "Kasosya. It means partner." She replied. "Why partner? Why not girlfriend or boyfriend?" Dinah wondered curiously. Lauren laughed a little "because gender does not matter to us when we fall in love. We use terms like wife or husband when we are married but it is really not a big deal to us." She said.

Dinah nodded "so no one's judged for falling in love with someone of the same gender." She says. Lauren shook her head. "Of course not. The first king made it a rule that no one should ever be judged for who they fall in love with because there was nothing wrong with love." She said.

The more she learned about Lauren's people the more Dinah feels a connection to her. She didn't know what it was but she felt a closeness with Lauren that she has never felt with anyone else before. This both intrigued and terrified her. She didn't know what the outcome for this would be but she was definitely willing to find out.

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