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Dinah Jane caught leaving studio session with a new mystery girl? Is she jumping into a new relationship after all this time?

Dinah sighed as she closed the article and looked over at Lauren. "I can always tell them that we're just friends. You know so you don't have to deal with the media." She suggests. Lauren tilted her head. "What is the media?" She asked.

Dinah chuckled because sometimes she really does forget that Lauren is an alien. "The media is like Twitter, Instagram, online blogs. Things like those. It's where people post things that other people can see." She explains. Lauren nods as she plays with Dinah's fingers. "Are you ok with the media knowing about me?" She asked softly.

Dinah quickly nodded. "I'm absolutely ok with people knowing about you." She says. Lauren glanced at her and smiles. "Then I am happy as well."

After eating breakfast and talking Dinah and Lauren headed down to the studio to finish up some last minute touches to the album. "So when does your album drop?" Lauren asked. "Tomorrow at exact Midnight." Dinah replies. Lauren nodded as she played around with Dinah's phone. Since she didn't have one Dinah let her mess around with hers and it was quite fun.

Looking at Lauren and seeing how interested she was by the phone made Dinah's heart burst at how cute she was. Yeah Lauren's an alien and she might have to leave when her planet is safe again but that won't stop her from falling for the girl. She was in deep and honestly she was absolutely fine with that.

Lauren's eyes were glued to the phone as she got several notifications for different things on Dinah's phone. She didn't click anything because she was afraid that she might break something. "Dinah something is happening." She called out nervously.

Dinah rushed over and went to check on her. "Aw babe nothing is wrong. Fans are just liking and commenting on the post I just made. No need to worry." She explained. Lauren nodded "oh ok." With that being said she went back to playing with Dinah's phone. Dinah kissed the top of her head before going back over to Normani and Ally.

"Has Lauren never had a phone before?" Ally asked quietly.

Dinah gulps "where she's from she doesn't really need a phone. The city's pretty packed so if she ever needs something someone is always around." She lied. Ally nodded "well that makes since." She laughed softly. Before Dinah could agree Normani yanked her out into the hallway.

"So how long are you going to lie to Ally about where Lauren is really from?" She asked.

Dinah gulps "I uh - what are you talking about?" She asked coolly. Normani rolls her eyes "I'm talking about the fact that Lauren isn't even from here and Ally has no idea." She said. "How do you know she's not from here?" Dinah asked quickly.

Normani sighed "because I'm not from here! I'm two planets away from where Lauren's from." She said. "Does Ally know?" Dinah asked quickly. Normani nods "she knew the minute I asked her to be my girlfriend." She answered. "And I'm guessing Lauren knows which means I'm the only one who doesn't." Dinah muttered.

"Yes but Dinah you have to understand that I wanted to tell you but I was scared. I didn't want to lose my best friend." Normani tells her.

Dinah sighed "I understand. I just wish you told me." She mumbles. Normani nods "I know but can you ever forgive me?" She asked softly. Dinah gave her a small grin. "Of course I can."

Sitting in a chair Lauren was messing around with Dinah's phone when Ally came up to her. "So are you and Mani from the same planet? Like how does that work?" She asked. Lauren stopped what she was doing and looked up at the small girl. "We are actually neighbor planets. She is two planets away from when I was." She explains.

"But you guys speak the same language?" Ally questioned.

Lauren giggles "actually we do not. Mani just so happened to lock on to my mind and learned my language. Her people can do that." She explained. "Can you do that?" Ally asked. Lauren blushed a little. "Yeah but it's more through oral contact." She said shyly.

"So like a kiss?" Ally asked carefully.

Lauren nodded "yeah that is how I know fifteen other languages." She said. Ally nodded "so how long has Dinah known about you?" She asked. "Since I crashed out back." Lauren replies. "Was she planning on telling us, me?" Ally asked.

Lauren looks at her. "I am not really sure. I think so but knowing Dinah I think she put me before her and she did not know how I would take it if you knew." She says. Ally sighs "would you be ok with me knowing? I mean I totally understand if you're not." She said sadly. Lauren smiled at her. "I do not mine you knowing. I mean after all we are friends." She said. Ally's eyes lit up when she said. "Yeah, yeah we are."


Dinah didn't know why she was so nervous to talk to Ally but she was. She didn't want Ally to hate her because she kept this secret from her. So with a short sigh she walked back inside and right towards Ally. "Uh Als can we talk?" She asked.

Ally nodded as she followed Dinah outside. "What's up DJ?" She asked. Dinah sighed "I'm not exactly sure how to say this but Lauren's an alien." She blurts out. Ally laughs "believe me, I know." She said. "Wait how did you know?" Dinah asked. Ally chuckled "I over heard Lauren and Mani talking about her planet. So I put two and two together and figured that Lauren wasn't from here." She explains.

"And you're ok with this?" Dinah asked.

Ally nodded "DJ I'm in love with a girl that's not even from here. I'm pretty sure I can handle Lauren being an alien." She says. Dinah nods "cool do you think maybe this could stay between us." She said. Ally smiled at her "of course DJ."

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