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For the pass week after the kiss Dinah has been extremely shy around Lauren. She still talked to the beautiful girl but a lot more nervously then she did before. She didn't understand why she was so shy around the girl but she was. It didn't make sense to her.

"Hallo Dinah Jane!" Lauren greeted cheerfully.

Dinah could feel her cheeks heating up and she quickly bows her head. "Uh hey Lauser." She mumbled quietly. Lauren giggled as she sat down next to the blonde. "So what are we doing today?" She asked. Dinah shrugged "uh I think the girls and I are finishing up the album." She said. "It's supposed to be dropping soon anyway." Lauren nodded as she gently played with Dinah's fingers. "I am not sure if this is ok to ask but would you help me fix my pod?" She asked shyly. Dinah nodded as she interlocked their fingers together. "I would love to."

Arriving at the studio Lauren felt something and it wasn't good. There was something in the studio that was throwing her whole arora off. Something was wrong. Walking into the studio she froze when she was who was there. "Ashley what are you doing here?" She asked.

The blue haired girl looked at her. "I have been looking everywhere for you! I was scared that something had happened to you." Ashley said. With everything happening so fast Lauren grabbed Ashley's hand and led her outside. "How are you here right now? I thought you died in that fire." She says.

Ashley smiles little "I got out just in time and once I was out I went looking for you to bring you home." She says. "That is if you want to come home." Lauren looked at the girl and smiled a little as she held her hands. "As much as I would love to I just can not leave this planet. Someone special to me lives here and I went to start something with her." She said.

Ashley pouted but nodded understandingly. "So who is she and is she nice?" She asked. Lauren's eyes lit up. "Her name is Dinah Jane and she is amazing! Gosh Ashley she is everything I have ever dreamed of in a partner. She is wonderful." She gushed. Ashley smiled "well I am happy for you Lauren."

Dinah wasn't sure if she should be worried about this Ashley girl but with the way Lauren's eyes lit up when she saw the girl made her extremely jealous. She couldn't stop herself from glaring at the new girl. She just didn't like her.

"So were are you going now?" Lauren asked.

Ashley smiled at her. "I am off to tell your parents that you are ok. They have been worried." She says. Lauren nods as she pulled her friend in for a hug. "Sultihi sila nga ako nahigugma kanila." She whispered. Ashley smiles "they love you too Lauren. So much."


Sitting outside Lauren hugged her knees to her chest as she looked up at the sky. She never knew how hard it would be to be away from her family, her planet but this was a lot more than she could bare. "Was it hard for you when you left your planet?" She asked when she felt Normani behind her.

Normani nodded "it was extremely hard at first, but then I met Dinah and Ally and they made things here so much easier for me." She answered. "They became my best friends." Lauren glances over at her. "Do you think they can be my best friends too?" She asked. Normani smiled "of course."

Sitting in the studio Dinah couldn't help but scowl at the blue haired girl that was standing next to her. She knows that she probably doesn't have a reason to be jealous of her but she can't help it. She likes Lauren so much and she's scared this new girl will take Lauren way from her.

"So what is your status on this planet?" The girl asked.

Dinah rolled her eyes. "I'm a singer and I'm pretty good at what I do." She brags coldly. "Really you sing? That is funny because Lauren wanted to be a singer, even though she does not want anyone to know that." The girl giggles. This caught Dinah's attention "why doesn't she want people to know?" She asked.

"Because an ex of mine told me that I will never amount to anything and I should not waste my breath on being something I will never be good at." Lauren answered.

Dinah glanced up at her and frowned. "But I've heard you sing and you're amazing Lo! Why'd you let them stop you?" She asked curiously. Lauren sat down in Dinah's lap and played with the girl's fingers. "Because I loved her and I believed everything she told me because I wanted to please her. So I thought if I gave up my dream of singing maybe she would-"

"Love you more." Dinah finished for her.

Lauren nods "exactly, but she did not. She left me shortly after I gave up my dream." She concludes. Dinah gently wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist and held her tightly. "Well if it's any constellation I think you're amazing." She whispered softly. Lauren smiled lovingly at her and kissed her cheek. "Thank you Dinah."

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