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Waking up the next morning Dinah could smell something that didn't smell like a normal earth breakfast and that concerned her. Putting on her shirt she walked out into the living room and towards the kitchen where she saw Lauren floating in the air and cooking. "Uh what are you doing?" She asked.

Lauren smiled "cooking breakfast like I do back on my planet." She answered. Dinah raised an eyebrow. "And you cook while you...float?" She asked. Lauren nodded "yes. It is the most respected way of cooking. It shows that you care about what you are making." She explains. Dinah hummed softly as she walked further into the kitchen. "So you guys just float around and cook? Isn't that dangerous?"

Lauren shook her head. "Nope. On my planet floating while cooking is the safest way to cook because you never know what could happen." She says. "So if you're a princess, why are you cooking breakfast for everyone?" Dinah asked. Lauren giggled "on my planet it is a tradition to cook for everyone in you tribo or tribe. It shows that you take your people seriously." She explains. "It is one of the first things a princess learns."

Dinah was now intrigued about her planet. "So does the king and queen cook or is that just a thing females do?" She asked. Lauren finished cooking as she slowly floated down until her feet touched the ground. "Actually the males of our kind does most of the cooking while, even though females know how, we spend most of our time training and defending our mga tribo from our enemies." She said.

"So the woman are like the warriors and soldiers?" Dinah asked.

Lauren nodded "yeah the very first hari or king could not fight well, or at all even but his wife could. The rayna or queen was such a great fighter and stronger then most of the men that the king decided on an all female army because he figured that all women must be as strong as his wife. So from there on out the woman fought while the men stayed on the home base and made sure everything and everyone was ok." She explains.

"So when do you guys learn to fight? Ten, nine, eight?" Dinah asked.

Lauren shook her head. "No we do not learn to fight until we are eighteen. My planet will not let kids fight because this is not something that a kid should be faced with." She says. Dinah nodded "do princesses like yourself fight too?"

Lauren nodded "it is an honor to fight for my people. I have to protect them if I want to be a good queen one day." She said. Dinah rested her chin in her hand. "So were you born into the Royal family or? Like how does that work?" She asked. Lauren giggles "well yes I was born into royalty and was the next aire to the throne, but sometimes the best fighter or the smartest person is chosen by the people. It really depends on whether I am ready or not." She said. "Are you ready?" Dinah asked.

Placing her fork and knife down Lauren smiled at her. "I think I am, but I have a lot of training to do before I am as good as my mother." She said. Dinah nodded "so how are kings chosen? Do you marry whoever you fall in love with or is he picked for you?" She asked.

Lauren chuckles "I can either choose a partner of my choice or rule by myself." She said. "I mean the great queen of six hundred years ago ruled by herself because she felt like she could do it all and she did." Dinah tilted her head. "Why did the queen rule by herself? Why not find a partner and get married?" She questioned.

Lauren smiled "because she never felt anything romantic for anyone. Everything she felt for someone it was nothing more then a friendship. She cherished her friendships with people more then anything." She says. "If she had the love of her people that is all that really mattered to her."

Dinah hummed "that's pretty interesting." She said. "You need to tell me more about your planet. It sounds so intriguing." Lauren giggled as she sat down next to Dinah and began telling her everything there was to know about her planet.


It was half past noon when Dinah was walking into the studio with Lauren right behind her. "Ok so I'm going to be recording and finishing up my album. Please don't draw any attention to yourself." She said. Lauren nodded "of course."

Walking inside Dinah was immediately confronted by her two friends Ally and Normani. "Have you been on any social media today?" Ally asked. Dinah shook her head "nope I've been talking to my new friend Lauren all morning." She said. "Why?"

Normani sighs "well your ex has been on Twitter posting all types of...nude photos of you." She said. "We've gotten some of them down but I promise you we're working on getting all of them taken down."

Dinah felt crushed and she felt sick. She knew her ex was an evil little bitch but she never, never would have guessed that she would do something like that. This really sucks. "What are the fans saying? How many have I lost because this? How can I apologize?" She asked quickly. Ally from "three thousand five hundred have unfollowed you and DJ I'm not sure this is something you can apologize for." She reluctantly said.

"But why does Dinah need to apologize? Those photos where released without her consent or permission. If anymore needs to apologize it is her ex." Lauren comments.

Dinah gave her a kind smile. "As nice as that is. That's unfortunately not how the internet works." She said sadly. "So what do we do?" Ally sighs "we focus on making your album and getting as much done as possible." She said. Dinah nodded "ok."

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