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Lauren was sitting on the couch with her head tilted slightly as she tried to understand what she was watching. "But how does the carpet fly?" She asked. "It has no wings." Dinah giggled at the unintentional joke. "Lauser it's a cartoon movie. You don't have to over think it. Just enjoy yourself." She says.

Lauren sighs "I am sorry. It is just - we do not have cartoons on my planet. So I am not familiar with this." She says. Dinah gently pulled Lauren close to her and cuddled the girl. "You don't have to apologize. Just enjoy yourself." She said. Lauren nodded "ok."

As the movie was ending Lauren couldn't stop herself from yawning. As good as the movie was she needed it to end because she was exhausted. Dinah held her closer and gently ran her fingers through her hair. "Are you ready for bed babe?" She asked. Lauren nodded "yes." She muttered tiredly.

Turning off the TV and picking up the girl Dinah headed towards the bedroom and put Lauren to bed. After changing she climbed in and snuggled with Lauren. However something was going to need to be talked about in the morning.


All night long Dinah couldn't stop thinking about what she discovered about Lauren. The girl didn't have a heartbeat and that was extremely concerning. Did this always happened when she's asleep? Like what's the deal with that?

"DJ are you ok?" Lauren asked softly.

Dinah frowns at her. "Lauren when I put you to be last night and cuddled with you, why didn't you have a heartbeat Lo?" She asked quietly. Lauren didn't mean to giggle but it just came out. "Because my, as you would say, heartbeat is in my gem. My gem is basically my life resource." She explains. "So your gem is basically your heart?" Dinah asked.

Lauren nodded "yes but it does not beat like yours. It is really just there to keep me alive." She says. Dinah hums. "Does Mani have one?" She asked curiously. "Nope her people are the closest genetically to you guys. She has everything you have, but slightly more advanced." She explained. Dinah nods "interesting."

After their talk Dinah and Lauren headed out because Dinah really wanted to show Lauren the town. She felt like Lauren has really only seen her apartment and the studio it wasn't fair to keep her from the rest of the world. So she decided to take her out.

"Dinah what is this?" Lauren asked.

Dinah smiled at her. "It's the subway. It takes you places." She says. Lauren nodded "and where is it taking us today?" She asked. Dinah kissed her nose. "I'm sorry babe but I can't tell you or it would ruin the surprise." She said. Lauren pouted but nods understandingly. This should be fun.

Stepping off the subway Lauren quickly latched onto Dinah's hand as the walked towards the exist. "So where are we going?" She asked. Dinah smiled down at her. "Anywhere you want babe." She said. Lauren nodded as her eyes flashed different colors. "Take me somewhere with good good food." She says. Dinah smirks "you got it."

Arriving at a very nice restaurant Lauren's eyes turned bright yellow as she looked around. "Wow this is amazing Dinah!" She gushed. Dinah couldn't stop her heart from fluttering at how cute Lauren was when she was happy. It was an amazing sight to see.

Being seat at a table in the back Dinah took out her phone and took a picture of Lauren and posted it on her Instagram page. "So what would you like babe?" She asked. Lauren shrugged "I am not sure. I have never been here before." She said. Dinah chuckles as she picked up the menu. "Don't worry babe I got you."


Lauren's eyes were a soft baby pink color as she looked at Dinah who was telling her a story. It was amazing how quickly the beautiful girl has captured her attention and how intriguing she was to Lauren. Even though it might be early to say she was definitely in love with the girl.

"Why do your eyes change?" Dinah questioned curiously.

Lauren blushed a little. "Uh they change with different emotions. Like blue is sad, yellow is happy or excited and pink is love." She explained shyly. Dinah felt her heartbeat speed up when she noticed what color Lauren's eyes were right now. "Your eyes are pink." She pointed out quietly.

Lauren's cheeks turned red as a small grin formed on her lips. "Yeah they have been like that for a while now." She confessed. "So...you're in love?" Dinah asked slowly. Lauren nodded "yes." She replied gently. Dinah smiled as she took Lauren's hand in her own. "Don't worry I'm also in love."

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