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Waking up the next morning Dinah was close to freaking out when she didn't hear Lauren's heart beat but then she remembered the gem on her wrist. Looking down at the sleeping girl Dinah couldn't help but smile at her. Lauren was probably the most beautiful girl that she has ever seen in her life.

"You do know that staring is wrong." Lauren mumbled.

Dinah chuckled "I wouldn't say staring, more like admiring." She says. Fluttering her eyes opened Lauren smiled up at her. "Does that mean I am allowed to admire you?" She asked. Dinah blushed as she moved her hair behind her ear. "I uh mean if you want to." She said shyly.

Sitting up Lauren gently grabbed her hand and played with Dinah's fingers. "So what are we doing today?" She asked. Dinah shrugs "I'm honestly not sure. I haven't got any texts from Mani or Ally, so I think I'm free." She says. "So what would you like to do?" Lauren's eyes lit up. "Can we go out for breakfast?" She asked. Dinah smiles "of course babe."

The minute the two girls stepped outside they were bombarded by paparazzi. They completely surrounded Dinah's apartment and drive to the point where she could barely get to her car. Holding Lauren's hand tightly she ran as fast as she could to her car and got in. Ignoring the screaming paparazzi Dinah started the engine and drove off. Well that was one hell of a start to the morning.

"Dinah who were those people?" Lauren asked scaredly.

Dinah rolled her eyes "the paparazzi. They follow celebrities and take pictures of them and shout things at them. It's really annoying." She said coldly. Lauren nods "am I the reason for them? I mean I heard you and that girl talking about how I am ruining your career. Is that true?" She asked sadly.

Dinah glanced over at her and grabbed her hand, locking their fingers together. "Baby my career is fine. My sales and streams are going up and I have you by my side. I'm fine LoLo." She said truthfully. Lauren smiles a little. "I am glad."

Arriving at a small diner Dinah held Lauren's hand as they walked inside. "For I pretty big star I'm surprise you still come here." A girl with long brown hair said. Dinah chuckled "Zendaya you know this has been my favorite spot since way before I was famous. There's no way I'm giving this up." She said. Zendaya smiled and glanced over at the green eyed girl. Her eyes flashed a rainbow color before she quickly turned away. "Uh let's get you seated D." She mumbles.

As Zendaya was walking them to their table Lauren couldn't help but focus on the Green diamond embedded on the back of her neck. Yeah it could be mistaken for a piercing but Lauren knew better than that.

"Uh what can I get you guys to drink?" Zendaya asked.

Dinah shrugged "uh an iced tea." She said. "And for you?" Lauren through for a second. "Uh can I have lemon water. With extra lemon please?" She asked. Zendaya wanted to laugh because of the bizarre order but she held her composer. "Coming right up." With that said she ran off to go but their drink order in.

"Why the extra lemon?" Dinah asked curiously.

Lauren played with her fingers. "Lemon cleans me out and with all the earth food I have been eating I am in need of a good cleansing." She explains. Dinah nodded understandingly. "Understandable."


After breakfast Dinah had a meeting about the tour she was starting soon and since it's not starting for the next month and a half they had to start planning now. "I hope you don't think your little friend is tagging along on tour with us." Tara spat.

Dinah rolls her eyes. "Actually, yeah she is. I talked to Ally and she said that it was fine that Lauren comes along." She said. "But why? She knows nothing about music or touring." Tara spits. Dinah smirks "she knows a lot more than you think."

Sitting in the meeting Lauren listened closely as everyone talked about what would happening on tour. They talked about what cities they would be visiting and how long the tour would be. It was actually quite interesting. This should be fun.

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