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A week had passed since her nudes had been released and everyone had seemed to move on to the next hot topic which was good for Dinah because now she could focus on her work.

"Dinah Jane what are we doing today?" Lauren asked excitedly.

Dinah chuckled as she put her coat on. "I have a radio interview today. You're welcome to come." She said. Lauren eyes changed pink for a quick second before going back to her normal green color. "Really?" She asked. Dinah "yeah let's go." She said. Lauren smiled as she grabbed Dinah's hand and ran out of the apartment. This should be fun.

Sitting outside in the lobby Lauren couldn't help but feel like a kid in a candy store. It was amazing how everything worked. She was so intrigued by the fact that she could hear Dinah's voice through the speakers. It was fascinating.

"So how's the album come?"

Dinah smiled "it's coming along great! I'm dropping my first single in two weeks." She said proudly. "That's great." The host said. "So who's your friend out there?" Dinah chuckled when she said Lauren messing around with the speakers. "She's someone I knew along time ago. She was in town and she decided to hit me up and we're getting lunch after this." She said. The host nods "that sounds fun."

Lauren was sitting in the chair with her legs pulled up to her chest as she listened to the end of Dinah's interview. Only a few minutes passed before the beautiful blonde came out. "So where are we going now? Are we doing that lunch thing you were talking about?" She asked. Dinah giggled "we should are."

Sitting at the restaurant Lauren couldn't stop herself from touching everything on the table. "What is this white stuff?" She asked. Dinah found the girl's curiosity adorable. "That's salt. You put it on your food to give it some flavor." She explains. Lauren nodded "do you put salt on your food?" She asked. "Sometimes." Dinah answered.

"So I heard you on the radio saying I am an old friend. Why did you not tell them I am not even from here?" Lauren asked.

Dinah gently grabbed her hand. "Because no one would understand. No one would believe that I know, for lack of a better word, an alien. People would think I'm crazy." She said. "So no one would understand me?" Lauren asked softly. Dinah gave her a sad smile. "Unfortunately not babe." She said sorrowfully. "But you understand me, right?" Lauren asked timidly. Dinah nodded "of course I do."


Lauren was sitting on the couch next to Dinah watching as the girl write for her album. "So how often do you write for your album?" She asked. Dinah shrugged "whenever I can really. I draw inspiration from anything honestly." She replied. Lauren hums "what made you want to become a singer?" She asked.

Dinah smiled a little. "When I was younger I always dreamed of being something more then just a regular girl from California. I wanted to be a star! So I worked my ass off to become just that." She said. Lauren practically had stars in her eyes at hearing Dinah's story. "Wow that sounds so amazing!" She gushed. "You have to tell me more!"

Dinah chuckled as she put her notebook down. "There's not really much to say. I went on an entire month long journey to get signed to a record label and I honestly thought it was a lost cause until I met my best friend Ally and she told me about her dad's record label and without doing much other than singing and showing him my songs he signed me and it was an absolute dream come true." She said. Lauren had the biggest smile on her face. "That is amazing!"

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