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After her talk with Normani. Lauren decided  to take the older girl's advice and take Dinah out on a date. She was extremely nervous but she had to at least put her feelings out there. It was the only way to know if Dinah liked her back.

"Dinah can we talk please?" She asked softly.

Before Dinah could reply there was a loud knock on the door. Quickly excusing herself she ran to go answer the door. Her eyes grew wide when she saw who it was. "Uh Jasmine what are you doing here?" She asked.

The girl smiled at her. "I've come to take you out Dinah. I mean we've been on a break for the past three months. I think it's time to give it a try again. We both know we can't live without each other." Jasmine says. Dinah rolled her eyes and quickly moved away from the green haired girl. "No I don't want to try again. You have cheated on me, abused me and belittled me throughout our entire five year relationship and I can not and will not let you back into my life. I'm sorry but it's over. For good." She said firmly.

Jasmine scuffed but before she could argue her case Lauren came out. "Dinah is everything ok?" She asked softly. Dinah turned and smiled at her. "Yes everything is fine babe." She said. Lauren wasn't stupid she knew exactly what Dinah was doing and she was going to play along. "Uh I hate to rush this but I made plans for us and if we do not leave soon we will be late." She said.

Dinah's cheeks turned red as she turned back to her ex. "Look Jasmine as much as I would love to keep arguing with you, I can't. I have plans with Lauren. So goodbye." Before Jasmine could protest Dinah closed the door in her face and turned back to Lauren. "So what are these plans?"


"You took me to the fair?" Dinah asked.

Lauren smiles "Normani said that dates should be fun and I thought that this would be fun." She says. "This is ok right?" Dinah gave her a kind smile as she took Lauren's hand in her own. "This is perfect."

Dinah tired so hard to hold her laughter back but she just couldn't. She found it adorable how new Lauren was to earth and how she was still learning. "Lo let me try." She said. Lauren huffed but gave Dinah the basketball anyways.

With her head tilted Lauren watched as Dinah made every basket with such ease. She didn't understand why it was so hard for her but incredibly easy for Dinah. "How did you do that? Is there some sort of trick to it or something?" She asked. Dinah shrugged "no trick. I've just been playing for the past five years." She said. Lauren nodded "oh ok."

After the awful game with the hoops and balls Lauren thought it was time to ride some rides. "These are safe right? I will not get injured will I?" She asked. Dinah giggled "I promise I'll keep you safe." She said. Lauren smiled at her as her eyes flashed yellow. "Thank you Dinah." Dinah smiled back. "You're welcome Lo."

Stepping off of the ride Lauren couldn't stop giggling. "Wow I have not had that much fun since my birthday on the planet Kempton." She says. Dinah chuckles a little. "You travel to different planets for your birthday." She says.

Lauren nodded "yeah it is a tradition on Oltron to go all out on the day of your birth." She explained. Dinah smiles "wow I wish I could do that." She said softly. Lauren moved in front of the taller girl and looked up at her. "Well when I get my pod fixed maybe I can take you around the galaxy." She says.

Dinah doesn't know what came over to her but she kissed her. Wrapping her arms around the girl's waist she deepened the kiss and poured everything she was feeling into the kiss. Lauren had her hands softly on Dinah's cheeks as she slowly copied the way the blonde was kissing her. Since Lauren was the least experimental of her people she has never kissed anyone before, so this was all new to her.

Pulling away Dinah's cheeks were bright red as she looked into Lauren's now dark pink eyes. "I, uh, I'm not really sure where that came from." She mumbles timidly. Lauren gently cupped her cheek and kissed her again. It was something about Dinah's lips that made kissing so much better and she felt something. She wasn't sure why but she knew it was something and she couldn't wait to find out what it was.

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