Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Merry Christmas to all of you, hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends, and I just wanted to tell you to replace all the "she"s with "he"s and girls with boys. For the song, I mean. That's all...

Harry's POV.

I eventually got off the floor, once I realized that breakfast was coming to an end and that I'd soon be swarmed with people asking me why I was shattered, on the floor.

So I picked myself up, as usual, and walked to my next lesson. Potions.

Before that, however, I spotted a bathroom, and walked in there, knowing that my face would be chalky and pale. I was right. I tried to wash some color into it with water, and I think it more or less worked. Fixing my tie, I looked once more at the mirror to see if I looked as if I had just gone to the library or something, and not had a mental breakdown... I deemed myself alright and walked out. What I hadn't anticipated, of course, was that everyone would be rushing to their classes now. I was almost trampled over by the stampede of people rushing here and there, and had to work to not fall over. Even so, I was moved, until I got ahold of my senses and ducked into a random room, praying that everyone would pass before the bell rang. Too many people, too much crowd... I couldn't handle it. Nausea worked its way up my throat until-

"Potter" a voice sneered in my ear, and I jumped. I thought I had been alone. Then I recognized that voice. Draco.


I swallowed inaudibly and turned involuntarily towards him. I wasn't in the mood for this... Couldn't handle it. His beautiful eyes cut into mine as I turned to leave. Facing a stampede would be better than this. I felt my pulse quicken, and it wasn't because of my anxiety this time.

"What do you want, D-Malfoy?" I asked, mentally kicking myself. Why was I about to call him Draco? I had never done that in my life, except for in my head, but that didn't count.

"Were you about to call me Draco?" he asked, cruelty saturating his voice. "You think I like you enough for that?"

I knew he didn't mean "like" as in fancy, but my heart stopped just the same.

I couldn't stop myself from anxiously biting my lip. I needed to get out of here. "Oh, sod off Malfoy." I was able to muster before I launched myself at the door. I could feel my heart cleaving apart, as it did every time Draco spoke to me with such contempt in his voice. But it was worth it. Worth it because I got to see Draco's attention on me, even for a minute. It made me feel safe, worthy, in a completely warped manner.

I quickly walked away, praying that Draco wouldn't follow. He didn't, of course, and I got to Potions relatively on time and sat next to Ginny. She kept playing with my hair, and I resisted the urge to smack off her arm. I couldn't believe I hadn't realized just how annoying she was before now.

But as soon as I thought that, I felt guilty. After all, it wasn't her fault I... Hadn't been feeling it.

It was mine. Just like almost everything in this damn world.

I put my head down on the desk, feigning tiredness, as I waited for the lesson to begin.

As soon as Snape entered the room, all chatting came to a stop and I lifted my head, Ginny looking at me, annoyed. I sighed. I couldn't be dealing with this right now. Luckily, it was then that Snape began. Unluckily, however, I absolutely loathed what he said next:

"Today, we will be making the Pepperup Potion. You will be working in partners-" an immediate rise in noise occurred, as multiple people asked others as to not be left alone. Ginny smiled wide at Harry and clung to his arm. "-that I have already chosen." Snape smiled devilishly and everyone groaned except Harry, who felt somewhat relieved, though he would never tell Ginny that. Ginny, in fact, pouted and whispered to Harry that it was OK; they'd be able to spend time with one another after class.

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