Chapter 12

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First of all, I just found this song, and I really like it, so I thought I would share it. Also, I believe that this is going to be a very short chapter *cowers* because my school just started, and I'm already exhausted lmfao... I swear, it'll be longer on Friday, but, anyway, the last chapter was really long, so... Meh. Also, thank you so much for 230 reads on this book, it actually means so much to me, because I really expected to get no views on this whatsoever- I feel like the numbers don't matter much when you write for yourself, not the stats and popularity of your book, which I believe I try to do. Thank you so much!

Harry's POV

I knew everyone knew. I knew that everyone knew, and I didn't care. I wish I could say the same about Draco, but I could tell it hurt him that his insecurities were shown to the world around him. He had been taught to hide all weaknesses, to win even if it cost everything. And there was the perpetual question in his mind- What if his father found out? I knew that could mean nothing good for me, and, more importantly, for Draco. And yet, could I do anything about it? I couldn't, except comfort Draco to the best of my abilities.

But, of course, being public about our relationship was kind of funny, because- Well, we weren't officially dating. But that didn't stop the whispers. The homophobic jerks putting letters in our common rooms- Well, my common room. I could only assume that the same thing was happening to Draco.

And the Rita Skeeter woman, God, how I wished I could kill her. She was onto the news immediately, glorifying and exaggerating the story between us, until it became something of a scandal. Luckily enough, Lucius Malfoy did not "lower himself to the standards of reading that filthy excuse for a newspaper", by his words. I wanted to say I was able to stop myself from reading, but some part of me needed to know what people were saying, though I knew it should not give me pause.

Ron, of course, hated me more than ever and was shocked beyond reason. I mean, he was, for starters, upset about the GInny thing, and also... Well, I was gay, and he hadn't been told. I knew he wasn't homophobic, but... He was in shock. And shock could change things in one's mind. 

One breakfast, I was sitting slightly away from Ron, quite close to Hermione, when the mail came. I wasn't expecting anything, let alone a letter from Draco. But there it was, in ridiculously posh stationery. I read it quickly with a smile, Hermione looking over my shoulder curiously, after knowing that I was okay with it.

Dear Harry,

I do not understand why muggles enjoy this so much, but I have to ask you something. Would you... er... Argh, this is too stressful. Would you... Be my... What is it called? Guyfriend? Malefriend? Boyfriend? Whatever it is, would you be mine? If you dare breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll crucio you.


Draco Malfoy

Hermione, who read it, squealed so loudly that it alerted all around us. Blushing, I shushed Hermione, who just smiled. I wanted to do something for Draco- I knew what it had cost him to write this letter. But how stupid was he? Didn't he know this was what I longed for, day in and day out? And we were practically dating before this, but... Something about the officialness of this all made me smile. And, oh, the fact that he signed with love...

He wasn't there, and I had noticed before, but I had thought that he was just late, or something. But I could tell that he was hiding. My heart hurt, thinking that he could be believing that I would reject him. 

Immediately, I got up, ignoring the curious stares that trailed me, and headed to the Slytherin Common Room, where Draco was reading a book. He was so absorbed in it, that when I crept behind him and placed my chin on his shoulder, he jumped, almost breaking my jaw in the process.

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